vendredi 30 décembre 2016
Theresa May pourrait dévier de la position de John Kerry sur Israël
"The rare diplomatic spat between Britain and the United States, which was met with surprise by the State Department, highlighted the fast-collapsing influence of the lame-duck White House. It also pointed to a vast reordering of international affairs expected after Trump takes office in three weeks, as U.S. allies position themselves to curry favor in the new order.
The transatlantic split was particularly unexpected given that May’s government acted as a key broker between U.S. and Palestinian interests ahead of a U.N. Security Council vote last week to declare Israeli settlement construction “illegal.” British diplomats worked as go-betweens in shaping the measure to ensure that the language was acceptable to the United States, Britain’s Guardian and Israel’s Haaretz newspapers reported this week."
Edward Snowden et Chelsea Manning demandent à Obama de les gracier
"Lawyers who track Obama’s approach to clemency applications say all four — which also include retired Marine Corps Gen. James “Hoss” Cartwright and former CIA officer John Kiriakou — face long odds in part because of intense attention to the dangers of hacking and the national security leaks that follow.
The fact that the requests don’t meet the usual Justice Department criteria and aren’t covered by the special initiative Obama set up to reduce the sentences of non-violent drug offenders sentenced to long terms in federal prison also make them more unlikely."
Caricature mort du "clintonisme"
"Now Clinton’s time as the party’s Mr. Fix-It, and even as its “Explainer-in-Chief,” as Obama famously styled him, has ended for good. It will be left for someone in the next generation to build a new New Democratic coalition, one that can somehow rise above prevailing identity politics (much as Clinton did) to forge an interracial coalition of working-class voters who can carry the big swing states in the heart of the country that count in the Electoral College, and not just rack up a big popular vote advantage in the coastal cities. Whether that candidate is now as unknown as Barack Obama was just four years before he won the White House, or is hiding in plain sight in Congress or a statehouse or in a business on Wall Street or Main Street, the task will be the same as Bill Clinton’s was 25 years ago: to persuade the Democratic Party to stop making the same mistakes over and over and expecting a different result."
Caricature Trump et Henri VIII
Je ne suis pas certain que la comparaison tienne le coup, mais ils sont plusieurs à associer le Président élu au célèbre monarque. Pour étoffer la comparaison on mentionne le côté égocentrique, les multiples épouses ou la richesse.
jeudi 29 décembre 2016
Sanctions américaines contre la Russie: l'action la plus dure depuis la fin de la guerre froide
Une décision de l'exécutif que le Président Trump pourrait annuler, mais le message est clair et les sanctions sérieuses. L'administration Obama promettait de bouger depuis un bon moment en réaction au piratage russe. Je m'explique difficilement comment Donald Trump peut balayer cette affaire du revers de la main. Plusieurs républicains importants ont appuyé la décision d'Obama, le jeu partisan se limitant à critiquer le délai entre le piratage et les sanctions.
"The new measures include sanctions on two Russian intelligence agencies, three companies that are believed to have provided support for government cyber operations, and four Russian cyber officials. The two agencies named are the GRU, Russia’s military spy service, and the FSB, the civilian spy agency that grew out of the KGB.
The administration has also ordered 35 Russian operatives to leave the United States and will shut down Russian-owned facilities on Maryland’s Eastern Shore and on Long Island in New York believed to have been used for intelligence purposes.
State Department spokesperson Mark C. Toner said the diplomatic retaliation was partly a response to Russian provocations against American personnel in Russia, including “arbitrary police stops, physical assault, and the broadcast on State TV of personal details about our personnel that put them at risk.”
"The new measures include sanctions on two Russian intelligence agencies, three companies that are believed to have provided support for government cyber operations, and four Russian cyber officials. The two agencies named are the GRU, Russia’s military spy service, and the FSB, the civilian spy agency that grew out of the KGB.
The administration has also ordered 35 Russian operatives to leave the United States and will shut down Russian-owned facilities on Maryland’s Eastern Shore and on Long Island in New York believed to have been used for intelligence purposes.
State Department spokesperson Mark C. Toner said the diplomatic retaliation was partly a response to Russian provocations against American personnel in Russia, including “arbitrary police stops, physical assault, and the broadcast on State TV of personal details about our personnel that put them at risk.”
Caricature Debbie Reynolds et Carrie Fisher
Allusion au rôle de Debbie Reynolds dans le film "Singing in the rain" (1952)
"Memo pour Donald Trump: il ne peut y avoir qu'un seul Président à la fois" (Washington Post)
"Obama and his aides have, rather gently, made the one-president point. After Trump took a phone call with the president of Taiwan, Obama observed: “Since there’s only one president at a time, my advice to him has been that before he starts having a lot of interactions with foreign governments other than the usual courtesy calls, that he should want to have his full team in place.”
Not only did the president-elect fail to heed the message — he bristled at it. With typical Trumpian gall, he managed to take umbrage at Obama’s conduct during the transition. “Doing my best to disregard the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks,” Trump tweeted Wednesday morning. “Thought it was going to be a smooth transition — NOT!”
Trump’s definition of a smooth transition: one that goes entirely his way. So what were these “inflammatory” statements that set Trump off? Just about anything can trigger his wrath. Perhaps it was Obama, at Pearl Harbor with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, exhorting Americans to “resist the urge to turn inward” or “to demonize those who are different.” Perhaps it was Obama boasting he would have beaten Trump if allowed to run."
Hitler fait vendre: une réplique de son bunker attire les touristes à Berlin
Donald, Ivanka et le népotisme: le point
Obama n'aurait pas vaincu Trump (POLITICO)
Un extrait:
"So who is right? Obama is only correct so long as you are talking about a majority of voters, who gave Hillary Clinton and her “Stronger Together” message a ringing endorsement. However, the Electoral College majority recoiled not only from her, but also from Obama’s implementation of his multicultural vision. Trump was able to flip six states Obama won in 2012, driving up white turnout while many of the minorities Clinton needed stayed home.
Obamacare looms large, despite the fact that it is one of the most tangible benefits Obama delivered to working-class Americans, regardless of race. Yet the reaction to the program was undoubtedly tinged with racism. Political scientist Michael Tesler uncovered in his book Post-Racial or Most-Racial?: Race and Politics in the Obama Era, that “racially resentful” whites were far more likely to support government-provided health insurance before Obama began his push for the Affordable Care Act in 2009. But once the president led the charge, Tesler found, many “Americans thought blacks would benefit more than whites.”
mercredi 28 décembre 2016
mardi 27 décembre 2016
Caricature Donald Strangelove?
Delonas rappelle le classique de Kubrick sorti en 1964 (Dr. Folamour pour la version française), satire de cette période de la guerre froide et du débat entourant le recours au nucléaire.
Pearl Harbor: Abe, Obama et l'ombre de Donald Trump
"But as the two leaders pay homage to the 2,403 Americans who died in the surprise Japanese attack on Dec. 7, 1941, the geopolitical backdrop for the event has been clouded by President-elect Donald Trump’s pugnacious and unpredictable foreign-policy pronouncements. During the campaign, Trump raised alarms in both countries when he questioned the value of the U.S. military’s basing agreements in Japan and suggested the island nation consider developing its own nuclear weapons.
Abe is set to become the first Japanese leader to take part in a ceremony at the USS Arizona Memorial, which honors the American sailors and Marines who perished aboard the battleship 75 years ago. The trip, in the works before Trump’s election last month, is intended as a symbolic bookend to Obama’s visit in May to Hiroshima, where the United States deployed the world’s first atomic bomb."
George Michael au-delà de la musique (New York Times)
Les Nations Unies un "country club"?
"The United Nations has come under fire for years from critics on both the right and the left. Conservatives have attacked it for infringing on individual nations’ sovereignty as well as wasting resources, while many developing nations argue that most major decisions remain dominated by a handful of countries that were influential when the United Nations was established decades ago.
In recent years, some of its peacekeeping troops have been repeatedly accused of raping civilians they were sent to protect, and this August the office of U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon formally acknowledged that Nepali peacekeepers sent by the United Nations to Haiti six years ago inadvertently introduced an outbreak of cholera there, even as U.N. officials maintained they have legal immunity in connection to the epidemic. The disease killed thousands of Haitians in the wake of a devastating earthquake."
Obama croit qu'il aurait battu Trump
"Obama stressed his admiration for Clinton and said she had been the victim of unfair attacks. But, as he has in other exit interviews, Obama insisted that her defeat was not a rejection of the eight years of his presidency. To the contrary, he argued that he had put together a winning coalition that stretched across the country but that the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign had failed to follow through on it.
“I am confident in this vision because I'm confident that if I — if I had run again and articulated it — I think I could've mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it,” the president said.
“See, I think the issue was less that Democrats have somehow abandoned the white working class, I think that's nonsense,” Obama said. “Look, the Affordable Care Act benefits a huge number of Trump voters. There are a lot of folks in places like West Virginia or Kentucky who didn't vote for Hillary, didn't vote for me, but are being helped by this . . . The problem is, is that we're not there on the ground communicating not only the dry policy aspects of this, but that we care about these communities, that we're bleeding for these communities.”
samedi 24 décembre 2016
Joyeux Noël!! 900 000 visites pour les Tours de Laliberté et congé des fêtes!
Caricature de Dave Granlund
Caricature de Milt Priggee
vendredi 23 décembre 2016
Obama mauvais pour les Démocrates?
Caricature Noël et la nativité chez les Trump
Les Rois mages étaient des représentants de compagnies pétrolìères? Les Rois mages et les "royautés"?
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