jeudi 30 novembre 2017

Peut-on arrêter un missile nord-coréen? Oui, mais...

Théoriquement les États-Unis pourraient détruire un missile nord-coréen à l'aide d'un autre missile, mais le système n'a pas fait ses preuves.

 "North Korea can make a nuclear bomb and has an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching the U.S. mainland. If it launches such a missile, the United States has a $40 billion system designed to destroy the bomb in space.

 What’s unknown is whether it will succeed.

The system, called Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD), is a work in progress. It has failed to destroy dummy warheads in six of 10 tests since becoming operational in 2004, but the two most recents tests succeeded. Here’s how it works."

Caricature Donald Trump intouchable

Caricature d'Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News

Caricature Matt Lauer a un regret...

Caricature de Dave Granlund,

Caricature volée de gazouillis sur la Maison Blanche...

Caricature deDavid Fitzsimmons, The Arizona Star

mercredi 29 novembre 2017

Caricature Corée du Nord et nouveau lancement de missile

Caricature de Marian Kamensky, Austria

Caricature Monsanto et le glyphosate

Caricature de Patrick Chappatte, Le Temps, Switzerland

Caricature suprématie blanche

Caricature de Bob Englehart,

La Corée du Nord défie une nouvelle fois les États-Unis

Après une accalmie la Corée du Nord a effectué hier un important lancement de missile. S'il faut en croire les informations qui émanent du pays, ce serait le tir avec la plus longue portée enregistré jusqu'à maintenant. Pour l'instant la réplique américaine est particulièrement sobre.

 "The most remarkable thing about North Korea’s missile test on Tuesday wasn’t that it happened; as the country’s nuclear-weapons program has entered the final stretch of development, Kim Jong Un has steadily demonstrated missiles of increasing range and nuclear bombs of increasing power. What was most striking was how the Trump administration initially responded to one of North Korea’s most provocative actions yet toward the United States.

North Korea dramatically concluded a 74-day pause in its nuclear and missile tests, which had raised hopes that tensions on the Korean peninsula were easing. It launched into the waters off Japan a suspected intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that, according to an assessment by the arms-control expert David Wright, appears to “have more than enough range to reach Washington, D.C., and in fact any part of the continental United States,” challenging the American president’s professed commitment to preventing North Korea from acquiring the capability to fire nuclear weapons at the U.S. (Wright points out that it’s unclear whether the missile displayed on Tuesday can carry a heavy nuclear warhead to the American mainland.) Donald Trump and his advisers reacted with considerable restraint."

Caricature Meghan Markle épousera le Prince Harry

Caricature de Dave Granlund,

Trump de plus en plus dérangé? Un dossier de plus en plus étoffé

Pourquoi s'intéresser à ce nouvel article qui remet en question l'équilibre mental du président des États-Unis? Parce que la liste de ses déclarations intempestives et farfelues s'allonge continuellement et que la situation contribue à nourrir les rumeurs autour d'une éventuelle destitution ou d'un recours au 25e amendement pour lui retirer la présidence.

 "To date, Trump has made over 1,600 false or misleading claims as president. Routinely, the lies are demonstrably false, often laughably so. But this actually serves his ends. It is impossible to disentangle this from his constant effort to undermine the news media, seen again in today’s NBC tweet. In many cases the attacks on the media are outlandishly ridiculous, dating back to the tone-setting assertion that the media deliberately diminished his inaugural crowd sizes, even though the evidence was decisive to the contrary. Here again, the absurdity is the whole point: In both the volume and outsize defiance of his lies, Trump is asserting the power to declare the irrelevance of verifiable, contradictory facts, and with them, the legitimate institutional role of the free press, which at its best brings us within striking distance of the truth."

Caricature Charlie Rose congédié

Caricature de Milt Priggee,

Matt Lauer congédié par NBC pour inconduite sexuelle

Après Charlie Rose récemment, un autre gros nom des médias américains est emporté par la vague de dénonciations de cas d'inconduites sexuelles ou de harcèlements. Lauer est une figure populaire de l'émission matinale depuis longtemps. Le président Trump, lui-même accusé de harcèlement, n'a pas manqué de pointer l'animateur et la chaîne NBC dans un gazouillis tôt ce matin. "Lauer has co-anchored “Today" for two decades, conducting interviews with U.S. presidents, world leaders and major cultural figures. He was tapped to moderate a 2016 NBC candidates forum featuring Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, a performance panned by many in the media. He also traveled widely for the morning show, in recurring segments like “Where in the World is Matt Lauer,” and was a familiar face during special networks events, from the Olympics to co-hosting its broadcast last week of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade."

Caricature Donald Trump honore les "code talkers"

Caricature de John Cole, The Scranton Times-Tribune

Chronique dans "Québec aujourd'hui" sur les ondes de BLVD 102,1: Corée du Nord, Matt Lauer, John McCain et le Bureau financier de protection du consommateur

Dans la section "Réécouter" du 29 novembre:

Caricature Matt Lauer congédié pour inconduite sexuelle

Caricature de David Fitzsimmons, The Arizona Star

Donald Trump relaie des vidéos anti-musulmans sur Twitter

Une fois de plus Donald Trump défie les conventions et il relaie des vidéos anti-musulmans par le biais de son compte Twitter. Les vidéos avaient d'abord été associées au compte de Jayda Fransen, vice-présidente du parti d’extrême droite Britain First.

 "Trump’s tweets were strongly condemned by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization.

“By his unconscionable and irresponsible actions this morning, President Trump is clearly telling members of his base that they should hate Islam and Muslims,” said Nihad Awad, the group’s national executive director. “These are actions one would expect to see on virulent anti-Muslim hate sites, not on the Twitter feed of the president of the United States. Trump’s posts amount to incitement to violence against American Muslims. His actions should be condemned by all American political and religious leaders, regardless of their party or faith.”

mercredi 22 novembre 2017

Caricature Déclaration d'indépendance et harcèlement sexuel

Caricature de Christopher Weyant, The Boston Globe

Caricature Paul Manafort sera-t-il gracié pour Thanksgiving?

Caricature de RJ Matson, Roll Call

Caricature Kellyanne Conway et les valeurs républicaines

Caricature de Kellyanne Conway

Caricature neutralité du Net sous Donald Trump

Caricature de Pat Bagley, Salt Lake Tribune

Les femmes quittent le Parti républicain de Donald Trump

Il y a déjà plusieurs années qu'on discute de la difficulté du Parti républicain à gagner les faveurs de l'électorat féminin. Sous Donald Trump cette situation se complique encore plus.

 "Whether you’re talking candidates, activists, or voters, the action among the ladies is on the blue side of the electoral divide, observed Kelly Dittmar, a scholar with the nonpartisan Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University. “It’s pretty clear the energy is partisan,” she told me.

As one data point, Dittmar points to the estimated number of gals running for House seats next year. (The official count won’t be available until after all filing deadlines have passed.) There are currently 354 women in the mix: 291 Democrats and 63 Republicans. Now compare those numbers to this point in last year’s cycle, said Dittmar, when there were 121 Democratic women and 60 Republicans running.

It doesn’t take a math whiz to chart the enthusiasm gap.

The situation, unsurprisingly, has many Republicans stressed out—even depressed. This is especially true among the women strategists, activists, and other leaders who’ve been laboring to address their party’s gender gap. In recent years, the GOP has struggled to combat its image as a pack of grumpy old white guys. Trump, to put it gently, has not been helpful in that regard. Worse still, the overheated, culture-warring nature of Trumpism has disrupted some of the most common avenues Republicans had been using to reach women. And worst of all: Not even the party players who focus on this issue seem to have any sense of where to go from here."

Gestion du harcèlement sexuel au Congrès: un mode d'emploi

Selon plusieurs observateurs les récentes accusations d'inconduites sexuelles (Al Franken et Samuel Conyers) ne constitueraient que la pointe de l'iceberg, mais déjà on soulève des questions sur les procédures de gestion des plaintes contre des élus. Un système qui protège les politiciens? Un mauvais usage de l'argent des contribuables pour défendre les accusés? Un petit topo pertinent sur le site de POLITICO.

 Un exemple des thèmes abordés:

 "Are victims of harassment required to keep their experience confidential?

The compliance office says that "there is no restriction on whom you can tell" about pursuing a harassment claim, but victims are subjected to confidentiality requirements during their mandatory counseling and mediation periods. An aide who might want to speak out about their harassment claim, including talking to their employer, can ask to waive confidentiality during counseling.

 Are victims of harassment required to keep their experience confidential?

The compliance office says that "there is no restriction on whom you can tell" about pursuing a harassment claim, but victims are subjected to confidentiality requirements during their mandatory counseling and mediation periods. An aide who might want to speak out about their harassment claim, including talking to their employer, can ask to waive confidentiality during counseling."

Caricature joyeux tweetgiving!

Caricature de Jeff Koterba, Omaha World Herald, NE

Chronique dans "Québec aujourd'hui" sur les ondes de BLVD 102,1: Washington et l'inconduite sexuelle, neutralité du Net, Betty Bonifassi et les "works songs"


 Notre discussion de ce matin dans la section "Réécouter" du 22 novembre:

Université de Rochester et prédateur sexuel: 400 professeurs invitent au boycot de leur institution

Une situation inusitée à l'Université de Rochester dans l'état de New York. Des professeurs de ce centre de recherche dénoncent le comportement de leur collègue Florian Jaeger. Malgré de nombreuses allégations et une enquête, les dirigeants de l'université ont malgré tout offert une promotion au chercheur. Considérant qu'il est de leur devoir de protéger leurs étudiants et leurs collègues, les professent demandent aux étudiants de boycotter l'institution pour éviter le comportement de prédateur sexuel de Florian Jaeger.

 "Educators also advise students to steer clear of certain institutions.

“There's nothing about this letter that isn't already ongoing all the time,” Panneton said.%% But is unprecedented for these discussions to occur openly. This the first time academics have issued this sort of public statement, said Heidi Lockwood, a Southern Connecticut State University professor of philosophy and co-author of the letter of concern.

In September, Mother Jones broke the news of the EEOC complaint. One of the complainants, cognitive scientist Celeste Kidd, alleged that Jaeger sent her sexually explicit messages. When she was a graduate student, Jaeger pressured her into renting the spare room in his apartment. There, he mocked her body and her diet, she said.

The university had investigated claims against the scientist twice in the past two years. Yet while doing so, it promoted Jaeger. Officials concluded that Jaeger had sexual relationships with a graduate student and a prospective student. They also determined that Jaeger was not in violation of university harassment policies. Richard Aslin, a former Rochester psychologist and one of the eight who filed the complaint, stood up in a faculty meeting and resigned in protest."

mardi 21 novembre 2017

Caricature Thanksgiving et harcèlement sexuel

Caricature de Rick McKee, The Augusta Chronicle

Neutralité d'internet: Ajit Pai veut également empêcher les états de légiférer

Ajit Pai

La puissante FCC (Federal Communications Commission ou Commission fédérale des communications) veut laisser le champ libre aux fournisseurs d'internet en supprimant des règles de l'administration Obama. Sous le prétexte de ne pas imposer une gestion de l'état dans ce secteur, le président de la FCC Ajit Pai risque bien de permettre la création d'un internet à deux vitesses décrié par de nombreux spécialistes. Les interventions de Pai viseraient également à limiter la possibilité pour les états américains de légiférer sur la question.

" Internet service providers, many of whom operate across state lines, also want to avoid a series of disparate rules from states. They want to avoid a repeat of what happened this year on broadband privacy, when nearly two-dozen states proposed legislation to replace an Obama-FCC regulation that Congress revoked.

But proponents of the current rules question whether the FCC has the authority to block states from issuing their own rules, especially when the agency is paring back its oversight over internet providers in the order.

"I certainly can think of nothing that could be more calculated to get states that are already pissed off to motivate themselves to challenge this decision," said Harold Feld, a senior vice president at Public Knowledge, a public interest group that supports the current regulations. "Did you see what happened with privacy?" Pai's "Restoring Internet Freedom" order says that state and local regulations attempting to regulate broadband in ways that run counter to the federal rules would be preempted.

 In practice, if a state attempts to impose its own net neutrality law and a company objects to the FCC, the agency could issue a ruling that could be used in a court battle, a senior agency official explained in a call with reporters Tuesday. The official spoke anonymously to discuss the change before it's released.

Collaboration dans "Radio-Canada cet après-midi": nouvelles de Washington, Betty Bonifassi et les "work songs", la science au service de l'histoire!

Nos échanges à 17h40 sur l'audio fil du 20 novembre:

Caricature Charles Manson 1924-2017

Caricature de Milt Priggee,

Caricature Robert Mueller et Thanksgiving

Caricature d'Ed Wexler, 

 Donald Trump jr et Jared Kushner auront-ils droit au traditionnel "pardon"?

vendredi 17 novembre 2017

Caricature Jeff Sessions et la "persistance" de la mémoire

Caricature de Steve Sack, The Minneapolis Star Tribune

Fuir la Corée du Nord: la vie sous Kim Jong-Un

Quelles sont les conditions de vie en Corée du Nord depuis l'accession au pouvoir de Kim Jong-Un? Le Washington Post a interrogé vingt-cinq dissidents qui sont parvenus à fuir le régime.

 "Some parts of their stories cannot be independently verified because of the secretive nature of the regime, and their names have been withheld to protect their family members still in North Korea. They were introduced to The Post by groups that help North Korean escapees, including No Chain for North Korea, Woorion and Liberty in North Korea.

But in talking about their personal experiences, including torture and the culture of surveillance, they recounted the hardships of daily life under Kim Jong Un’s regime. They paint a picture of a once-communist state that has all but broken down, its state-directed economy at a standstill. Today, North Koreans are making their own way, earning money in an entrepreneurial and often illegal fashion. There are only a few problems in North Korea these days that money can’t solve.

As life inside North Korea is changing, so too are people’s reasons for escaping."

Chris Christie persiste et signe

Le Gouverneur sortant du New Jersey a rarement laissé les gens indifférents. Il a connu de grands succès, mais aussi des controverses et des revers cuisants. Après avoir appuyé Donald Trump il ne semble pas avoir eu de retour d'ascenseur de la part du milliardaire. A-t-il des regrets lorsqu'il évalue sa performance après huit ans à la tête de son état? Bien peu.

 "And yet, any fair assessment of Christie’s legacy has to reckon with the highs and the lows. For four years, from 2009 until 2013, he was a political rock star. Iowa activists wooed him to run for president in 2012, even flying to New Jersey to make their case. Magazine covers hailed his brilliance. (“THE BOSS,” blared one TIME cover he loves read.) He screamed at people on the boardwalk while carrying an ice cream cone. It didn’t matter. His approval rating soared above 75 percent in a reliably blue state. After two stinging defeats to Barack Obama, some in the GOP saw a potential winner in Christie’s combination of raw talent, fundraising prowess and ability to woo minorities and Democrats. Many on his team thought him a shoo-in GOP nominee. But he passed up a run in 2012, figuring he wasn’t ready.

Then, for the next four years, Christie became something of a national punching bag. Everything people loved about him seemed to become what they hated. The bridge lanes closed. Investigations mushroomed around his office. Allies and aides were convicted in the closings. His presidential ambitions cratered. Christie, who prides himself a prodigious fundraiser, couldn’t attract donors to his campaign. He was beaten by Trump, a political novice, and then mocked for fetching Trump McDonald’s—even though he didn’t do that—and for looking like a hostage during his endorsement of Trump, even though he says he wasn’t. His musical hero, New Jersey’s own Bruce Springsteen, even sang a duet mocking him with Jimmy Fallon, his favorite late-show host."

Caricature mission américaine en évolution

Caricature de Paresh Nath, The Khaleej Times, UAE

Caricature harcèlement sexuel et identification des coupables

Caricature de Kal, Baltimore Sun

Caricature Roy Moore et les dix commandements

Caricature de Taylor Jones,

Caricature Al Franken et Stuart Smalley

Caricature d'Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News 

 Pour souligner les accusations de harcèlement sexuel à l'endroit de Franken Zyglis récupère un personnage développé par Franken à l'époque où il travaillait pour Saturday Night Live. En 1995 on en avait même tiré un film intitulé "Stuart sauve sa famille.

Caricature harcèlement sexuel aux États-Unis: simplifions la procédure...

Caricature de Rick McKee, The Augusta Chronicle

jeudi 16 novembre 2017

Le Sénateur démocrate Al Franken accusé d'inconduite sexuelle

Franken, un ancien humoriste, prétend avoir voulu faire une blague qui a mal tourné. La victime, la journaliste Leeann Tweeden, a raconté son histoire à une radio de Los Angeles. Le Sénateur du Minnesota n'a pas nié les faits et il a ensuite présenté ses excuses.

 "According to Tweeden, Franken crafted a performance skit during the trip to make the anchor kiss him against her will. “I felt disgusted and violated,” she said of the incident. “I tried to let it go, but I was angry.”

Tweeden wrote that after she returned from the overseas trip she discovered a picture of the senator groping her as she slept.

 Tweeden’s allegations were published Thursday on the radio station’s website accompanied by a picture depicting Franken grabbing the anchor’s breast while she slept aboard a C-17 cargo plane as they departed from Afghanistan.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell immediately called for an Ethics Committee investigation."

mercredi 15 novembre 2017

Chronique dans "Québec aujourd'hui" sur les ondes de BLVD 102,1: Donald Trump de retour, piratage à la NSA et la gestion de l'arme nucléaire

Dans la section "Réécouter" du 15 novembre:

Des Démocrates lancent la procédure de destitution contre Donald Trump

Le geste est symbolique puisque les Démocrates ne sont pas majoritaires à la Chambre des représentants, mais Steve Cohen,représentant démocrate du Tennessee, a malgré tout présenté sa résolution. C'est la troisième fois que ça se produit depuis le début de l'année. 

"Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee, introduced five articles of impeachment that include obstruction of justice for Trump's decision to fire former FBI Director James Comey, two emoluments clause violations, undermining the independence of the federal judiciary and undermining the freedom of the press.

 "The time has come to make clear to the American people and to this President that his train of injuries to our Constitution must be brought to an end through impeachment," he said.

Cohen, the ranking member on the House judiciary committee's Constitution subcommittee, acknowledged the limitations of his proposal. "I don't expect the House judiciary committee, which is operated like a branch of the administration, to take up hearings," he said. close dialog"

James Madison a-t-il une descendance noire? La fascinante rencontre de l'histoire orale et de la science

Par le biais de l'histoire de Bettye Kearse, une femme noire dont l'ancêtre serait le Président James Madison, le Washington Post nous présente une recherche qui pourrait être celle de beaucoup de Noirs américains. Selon des tests génétiques effectués sur 162 000 afro-américains, le bagage génétique des Noirs aux États-Unis serait constitué de 24% de traits essentiellement européens. Nous savions déjà qu'il y avait eu beaucoup de métissage et que la relation de certains propriétaires d'esclaves avec les femmes qu'ils possédaient était bien souvent trouble. L'histoire de Mme Kearse n'est pas sans rappeler celle des descendants de Sally Hemings, maîtresse noire présumée de Thomas Jefferson. L'histoire raciale des États-Unis est complexe et cette question demeure un enjeux en 2017.

"No documents from that sale have ever surfaced that would link the Madisons to Kearse’s ancestors, which is why her DNA test was seen as potentially crucial data. Instead, the test results placed her among the many people butting up against the limits of the technology.

DNA testing has not yet ruled her out as a Madison descendant, but it hasn’t confirmed her as one either. Even if a test might someday provide her with a blood link to the Madison family, questions would probably remain about whether that relation is a direct line to the president — or whether one of his brothers who survived into adulthood, or perhaps a cousin, fathered Coreen’s child.

Left in a gray area, Kearse is choosing for herself what to believe about her identity. She had never expected to experience the kind of aha! discovery depicted in commercials for the retail DNA tests, such as the one where the man who always thought he was German jokes about having to trade his lederhosen for a Scottish kilt."

mardi 14 novembre 2017

Le Kentucky bientôt un état sans clinique d'avortement?

Si l'avortement est légal depuis 1973 aux États-Unis, plusieurs états favorisent des législations qui en réduisent l'accès. Il ne reste plus qu'une seule clinique dans tout l'état du Kentucky et son existence est actuellement menacée, ce qui ferait de cet état le seul à ne pas avoir de clinique d'avortement dans tout le pays. Le Kentucky pourrait même devenir un modèle à envisager pour certains autres états puisque le nombre de cliniques est à la baisse sur l'ensemble du territoire.

 "Kentucky could become the first with zero abortion clinics due to alleged shortcomings with the Louisville clinic's "transfer agreement." Transfer agreements are written agreements between an abortion clinic and a hospital, saying the hospital agrees to accept the clinic's patients in case of emergency.

In the past, the EMW Louisville clinic's transfer agreement was signed by the head of a hospital's obstetrics/gynecology department. But now, the state says that signature isn't good enough -- the clinic needs the signature of a hospital president or CEO. And so far, no local hospital president nor CEO has agreed to sign a transfer agreement.

"The standards are just outrageous," said Wells, who co-founded the EMW Louisville clinic.

Wells and other critics of the state law say it's unnecessary because federal law requires emergency rooms to accept anyone who shows up -- with or without a "transfer agreement." They believe the restriction is actually an attempt by Gov. Matt Bevin's administration to eliminate abortion services in Kentucky."

Caricature hypocrisie républicaine

Caricature de Nate Beeler, The Columbus Dispatch

Les Tours de Laliberté migrent: rejoignez-moi sur le site du Journal de Québec et du Journal de Montréal

Depuis un certain temps je me demandais comment faire évoluer mon petit carnet web. La réponse m'est parvenue par le biais d'u...