Il y a déjà plusieurs années qu'on discute de la difficulté du Parti républicain à gagner les faveurs de l'électorat féminin. Sous Donald Trump cette situation se complique encore plus.
"Whether you’re talking candidates, activists, or voters, the action among the ladies is on the blue side of the electoral divide, observed Kelly Dittmar, a scholar with the nonpartisan Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University. “It’s pretty clear the energy is partisan,” she told me.
As one data point, Dittmar points to the estimated number of gals running for House seats next year. (The official count won’t be available until after all filing deadlines have passed.) There are currently 354 women in the mix: 291 Democrats and 63 Republicans. Now compare those numbers to this point in last year’s cycle, said Dittmar, when there were 121 Democratic women and 60 Republicans running.
It doesn’t take a math whiz to chart the enthusiasm gap.
The situation, unsurprisingly, has many Republicans stressed out—even depressed. This is especially true among the women strategists, activists, and other leaders who’ve been laboring to address their party’s gender gap. In recent years, the GOP has struggled to combat its image as a pack of grumpy old white guys. Trump, to put it gently, has not been helpful in that regard. Worse still, the overheated, culture-warring nature of Trumpism has disrupted some of the most common avenues Republicans had been using to reach women. And worst of all: Not even the party players who focus on this issue seem to have any sense of where to go from here."