vendredi 30 mars 2018

David Shulkin congédié par ce qu'il s'opposait à la privatisation des services aux anciens combattants? (Position éditoriale du New York Times)

Si le contenu de cet article s'avérait vrai, il y aurait ici aussi un potentiel de controverses et de scandales. Pour être franc, Shulkin a dépensé maladroitement l'argent des contribuables et il a ensuite menti sur la question. S'il mérite son sort, il semble que ce ne soit pas pour cette raison que Donald Trump ait choisi de le remplacer. Un retour d'ascenseur pour ces généreux donateurs que sont les frères Koch?

 "So we come back to the Koch brothers. After a year of amity between Dr. Shulkin and the president, there came word last month of behind-the-scenes intrigue inside and outside the department over replacing the secretary. Those supporting such a move had ties to the Kochs and a group they fund called Concerned Veterans of America.

 The group advocates privatizing V.A. care, which Dr. Shulkin has opposed. While the department has increased the role that private doctors play in the treatment of veterans — which is particularly useful in areas far from V.A. hospitals — most veterans advocates believe that despite the department’s history of serious problems with access to care and with the quality of care, the solution is more funding and better management. They see privatization as a boon for the private sector, not for veterans. And, as Dr. Shulkin said in an Op-Ed article in The New York Times late Wednesday, the nine million veterans who use the V.A. would overwhelm the private sector. More than 1,200 hospitals and clinics in the V.A. system provide that care now."

Caricature de Schot, De Volkskrant, Netherlands

Caricature de Schot, De Volkskrant, Netherlands

Le baseball comme thérapie à Parkland

On sous-estime parfois à quel point le sport, dans ce qu'il offre de plus positif, peut être rassembleur. Le baseball demeure un sport très populaire chez nos voisins du sud et le concept d'équipe, lorsqu'il est bien géré, peut permettre aux participants de traverser des moments difficiles.

 "The day after the shooting, Fitz called a team meeting at DC Baseball, a vast indoor training facility where the team worked out a few times a month. It has eight full-sized batting cages, an artificial turf infield and a color palette dominated by neon green. The infield, in the center of the place, is surrounded by nets keeping unexpected flying objects from causing harm. They gathered there.

The players and coaches hugged and cried. They had pizza and soda. Then they all sat in a circle on the infield as Fitz took the floor. "There are two ways we can go forward," he said. "We can put our head between our legs, or we can lift our heads, be strong for each other, and persevere. We're not gonna let the act of one cowardly individual define who we are."

Caricature Mark Zuckerberg à la présidence?

Caricature RJ Matson, Portland, ME

jeudi 29 mars 2018

Caricature Facebook = Fox avec des émoticônes?

Caricature de David Fitzsimmons, The Arizona Star, Tucson, AZ

Caricature héritage des milléniaux

Caricature de David Fitzsimmons, The Arizona Star, Tucson, AZ

Caricature redécoupage de la carte électorale: du grand art!

Caricature de Dave Granlund,

Rusty Staub meurt à 73 ans

Je me permets de relayer cet article du New York Times parce que si Staub est connu des partisans des Expos de Montréal comme la première grande vedette de l'équipe, le "Grand orange" a également joué pour les Mets de New York.

"He particularly endeared himself in Canada, where he played for the expansion team the Expos; he was an All-Star in all three of his full seasons in Montreal, from 1969 to 1971. Staub learned French and became a traveling ambassador for the team, hailing the advent of Major League Baseball in Canada.

He did so out of respect for the fans, he said.

“I was in Quebec — I couldn’t talk to a child,” he told The Montreal Gazette in 2012. “I couldn’t say something encouraging. I felt like I was not doing my job — not being able to respond to the media at least in some

“I took about 25 French classes after the first season, and the next year I took longer classes,” he continued. “There’s not a question that my making that effort is part of the reason that whatever Le Grand Orange represented to Montreal and all those fans, they knew I cared and I tried.” basic form."

Caricature Trump et les tarifs sur l'acier pour la Chine

Caricature de Gary McCoy, Shiloh, IL

Caricature Mark Zuckerberg perd des amis...

Caricature de Yaakov Kirschen, Dry Bones, Israel

Caricature congé pascal et signification

Caricature d'Aislin, The Montreal Gazette

Caricature présidence et pornographie

Caricature de Nate Beeler, The Columbus Dispatch, OH

mercredi 28 mars 2018

Caricature Donald Trump prêt à tout pour dénicher un avocat!

Caricature de Dave Granlund, Minnesota

La série télévisée Perry Mason a été diffusée de 1957 à 1966 puis, dans une nouvelle formule, de 1985 à 1995.

Donald Trump congédie David Shulkin

La semaine dernière plusieurs observateurs avançaient que Donald Trump n'avaient pas terminé la purge de son entourage. Aujourd'hui il a congédié le responsable des anciens combattants. À l'évidence le président est sûr de lui et il désire s'entourer de conseillers dont la loyauté est inébranlable. Je précise également que Shulkin était au centre de plusieurs controverses et qu'on s'attendait à son congédiement depuis un certain temps déjà. Il sera remplacé Ronny Jackson qui est actuellement le médecin de Donald Trump. Jackson est un officier de la U.S. Navy.

" Things soured early this year as Shulkin was the subject of a damning report from the department's inspector general that found "serious derelictions" by Shulkin and senior VA officials on a Europe trip last year, and concluded that Shulkin had spent a good deal of the trip sightseeing and had inappropriately accepted a gift of Wimbledon tickets. The report fueled Shulkin's critics, both within his own agency and outside it, and brought into the open the power struggle over how to best care for the nation's veterans. Expanding private health care for veterans was a talking point of Trump's on the campaign trail, and a White House priority, and Shulkin's critics have said he was a roadblock to achieving that goal.

As the year went on, Shulkin grew increasingly isolated and at odds with top aides, including those in charge of VA communications efforts, was so wide that the secretary had recently been conducting his own crisis communications effort via his personal cell phone, telling reporters that there were political staffers working to oust him."

Poursuite autorisée contre Donald Trump pour la clause des émoluments


 Autre décision importante aujourd'hui, il s'agit de la première fois qu'un juge autorise une telle démarche. Les procureurs du District of Columbia et du Maryland considèrent que Donald Trump a trangressé la "clause des émoluments".

 "A federal judge has ruled that the D.C. and Maryland attorneys general have legal standing to sue President Trump for allegedly violating the Constitution’s ban on taking “emoluments” from foreign governments and U.S. states. The ruling marks the first time that a lawsuit of this kind has cleared the initial legal hurdle — a finding that the plaintiffs have legal standing to sue the president in the first place."

Pardons présidentiels pour Manafort et Flynn?

Une manoeuvre dont on parle depuis un certain déjà mais qui aurait été directement évoqué par un avocat de Donald Trump. Pourra-t-on empêcher le président de recourir à un de ses pouvoirs les plus importants? Autrement que par une procédure de destitution, ce sera très difficile. Une fois de plus la loyauté des Républicains du Congrès sera mise à rude épreuve.

 "In one meeting with lawyers from the White House Counsel’s Office last year, Mr. Trump asked about the extent of his pardon power, according to a person briefed on the conversation. The lawyers explained that the president’s powers were broad, the person said.

experts are divided about whether a pardon offer, even if given in exchange for continued loyalty, can be considered obstruction of justice. Presidents have constitutional authority to pardon people who face or were convicted of federal charges.

 But even if a pardon were ultimately aimed at hindering an investigation, it might still pass legal muster, said Jack Goldsmith, a former assistant attorney general in the George W. Bush administration and a professor at Harvard Law School.

“There are few powers in the Constitution as absolute as the pardon power — it is exclusively the president’s and cannot be burdened by the courts or the legislature,” he said. “It would be very difficult to look at the president’s motives in issuing a pardon to make an obstruction case.”"

Caricature chemin de croix pour Trump

Caricature d'Arcadio Esquivel, Costa Rica

Caricature Donald Trump et la course à l'avocat de Pâques

Caricature de RJ Matson, CQ Roll Call

Caricature Vlad l'Inhalateur

Caricature de John Cole, 

 Une référence peu subtile au roi Vlad l'Empâleur, personnage historique qui a inspiré Bram Stoker pour son Dracula.

Le dernier souper (La Cène) et les réseaux sociaux

Caricature de Jos Collignon, The Netherlands

Cambridge Analytica hérite du rôle de Judas à l'approche du congé pascal...

Le recensement de 2020 suscite la controverse

L'administration Trump annonçait récemment qu'elle allait insérer dans le questionnaire du recensement une question retirée en 1950. La question: «Cette personne est-elle un citoyen des États-Unis?». Cette annonce est cohérente avec les affirmations de Donald Trump qui avançait après l'élection de 2016 que des millions d'immigrés avaient voté illégalement. La mesure, qui semble improvisée, pourrait effrayer bien des immigrants qui ne voudraient pas que le contenu du recensement puisse être utilisé contre eux. Le recensement, une obligation de la constitution, est important pour une foule de raisons, mais au plan politique il permet de préciser la représentation de tous les états. SI les immigrants ne sont pas tous représentés, cela pourrait entraîner un déséquilibre important. Plus d'une dizaine d'états, dont la Californie, considèrent que l'administration Trump détourne le recensement en outil politique et ils entreprendront des recours légaux.

 "The Monday evening announcement sparked renewed criticism from a wide spectrum of political actors, from voting-rights activists to immigration leaders to a coalition of America’s mayors. A blog from the Brennan Center for Justice said that “the move raises serious concerns that the upcoming census will be a major failure.” Following up on a February open letter asking Ross to deny the DOJ’s request, on Tuesday the United States Conference of Mayors decried the decision. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti declared that “the Constitution and our communities demand better than a mean-spirited attempt to intimidate immigrants and suppress participation in a count that means so much to our democracy.”

At play in the controversy are a number of different issues around both immigration and voting rights. The Justice Department argues that in order to properly enforce its mandate under the Voting Rights Act and avoid dilution of minority votes, it needs the most accurate count of the citizen-age voting population, which it argues can only be gained from asking people about their citizenship in the Census. Opponents of the measure point out that the Census Bureau’s annual supplement to the Census—the American Community Survey—already asks its sample of participants about citizenship, and that measure has been used for decades as the baseline for the citizen-age voting population."

Virage à droite à la Cour suprême?

La fracture politique entre les cinq juges conservateurs et la quatre juges progressistes serait plus évidente que jamais.

 "Indications from the few decisions issued so far and from oral arguments in yet-to-be decided cases suggest the five conservatives on the nine-member bench may be ready to wield their majority power. Led by Chief Justice John Roberts and joined by President Donald Trump appointee Justice Neil Gorsuch, the five have already prevailed in recent ideologically charged cases regarding prisoners' civil rights and immigrants in custody.

Historic delays in issuing decisions and at-times sharp jabs between justices on the bench also point to disharmony at a time when the Supreme Court could play a larger role in American life. The Trump administration faces numerous lawsuits over its policies, including new challenges based on the administration's announcement that the Census will include a question about individual's citizenship."

Un réacteur nord-coréen qui inquiète

Assurément un sujet dont on discute pendant les préparatifs d'une éventuelle rencontre entre Donald Trump et Kim Jong-Un. Un bon dossier du New York Times qui illustre bien la progression du programme nucléaire nord-coréen.

 "The satellite image above shows a new North Korean reactor that appears to be coming online now, after years of construction, according to analysts. It sits in the Yongbyon nuclear complex, where the North began its nuclear program in the 1960s. Today, the site boasts hundreds of buildings that lie along a loop of the Kuryong River and cover an area of more than three square miles.

North Korea insists the reactor is intended to produce electricity for civilian use. But the new reactor can also make plutonium, one of the main fuels used in nuclear arms. It can thus supplement the output of the aging, existing facilities at Yongbyon.

 Making bomb fuel in reactors is seen as easier to do than perfecting missiles that can hurl nuclear arms around the globe. While experts clash over how soon the North will develop warheads that can survive the blistering heats of re-entry, they agree that the North has already mastered the art of using reactors to make plutonium."

Caricature Donald Trump et les prévisions météorologiques

Caricature de Jeff Koterba, Omaha World Herald, NE

Caricature Kim Jong-Un rencontre Xi Xinping et précise ses conditions

Caricature de Stephane Peray, Thailand

mardi 27 mars 2018

Caricature Donald Trump et les nouvelles "Easter Bunnies"

Caricature de John Darkow, Columbia Missourian

Caricature séparation des pouvoirs sous Donald Trump

Caricature de Mike Keefe, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Démagogie adolescente

Rich Lowry ne se gêne pas pour critiquer la démarche des jeunes dans leur lutte pour un meilleur encadrement de la vente et de la possession d'armes. Lowry est l'éditeur de la publication conservatrice "National Review".

 "In accusing their opponents of being bought off, the students deny the sincerity and legitimacy of supporters of gun rights. They treat the Second Amendment as an inkblot on the Constitution and dismiss all counterarguments as transparent rationalizations. Not only is this a (appropriately) juvenile view of the gun debate that ignores Supreme Court jurisprudence, the genuine support of the NRA by millions of people, and the serious, practical objections to gun-control proposals, it removes all possibility of a middle ground."

Caricature Facebook et renseignements personnels

Caricature de Tom Janssen, The Netherlands

Vladimir Poutine est-il finalement allé trop loin?

Pour une rare occasion il y a eu un effort concerté de plusieurs pays occidentaux face à ce qu'on considère comme de la provocation de la part du président russe.

 "For years now, Putin’s calculation has been that the West is strong but lacking in unity and will, allowing a scrappy Russia willing to bend and break the rules of the international order to assert its place as a global player. But the success of this gambit hinged on his capacity to assess what the West would tolerate. By exceeding those limits, he may have delivered a triple blow to himself.

The expulsions are certain to deliver a serious, if not mortal blow to Russia’s intelligence networks. Putin has lavished resources and political capital on his covert foreign operations, which are now as pervasive and aggressive as they were at the height of the Cold War. His spook army is also a multi-headed hydra, featuring three main agencies: the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), military intelligence (GRU), and the newcomers, the political policemen-turned-spooks of the Federal Security Service (FSB)."

Caricature Donald Trump expulse 60 diplomates russes

Caricature de Dave Granlund, Minnesota

Abolissons le deuxième amendement (John Paul Stevens)

L'ancien juge de la Cour suprême (il fut nommé par le républicain Gerald Ford en 1975) plaide pour le retrait du deuxième amendement dans le New York Times d'aujourd'hui. Le juge Stevens, à la retraite depuis 2010, a été marqué par les manifestations de la fin de semaine et propose d'aller plus loin qu'un meilleur encadrement, il va jusqu'à proposer l'abrogation du deuxième amendement et ses arguments méritent réflexion.

 "Concern that a national standing army might pose a threat to the security of the separate states led to the adoption of that amendment, which provides that “a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Today that concern is a relic of the 18th century.

For over 200 years after the adoption of the Second Amendment, it was uniformly understood as not placing any limit on either federal or state authority to enact gun control legislation. In 1939 the Supreme Court unanimously held that Congress could prohibit the possession of a sawed-off shotgun because that weapon had no reasonable relation to the preservation or efficiency of a “well regulated militia.”

Linda Brown, figure centrale de la lutte contre la ségrégation, meurt à 75 ans

Je raconte l'histoire de cette femme depuis mes débuts en enseignement et j'explique encore régulièrement le jugement de la Cour suprême dans une cause la concernant. La décision du plus haut tribunal dans la cause "Brown v. Board of Education" (Topeka, Kansas) en 1954 est un jalon important de la lutte des Noirs pour mettre fin à la ségrégation raciale en vigueur dans le sud des États-Unis. La Cour suprême avait pourtant reconnu en 1896 la constitutionnalité du principe "séparés mais égaux" dans les services offerts aux communauté blanche et noire. C'est le père de Linda Brown qui souhaitait inscrire sa fille dans une école jusque là réservée aux seuls Blancs.

 "The school told her father no, she could not be enrolled.

“I could tell something was wrong, and he came out and took me by the hand and we walked back home,” she said. “We walked even more briskly, and I could feel the tension being transferred from his hand to mine.”

In its ruling, the Supreme Court threw out the prevailing “separate but equal” doctrine, which had allowed racial segregation in the schools as long as students of all races were afforded equal facilities.

“To separate them from others of similar age and qualifications solely because of their race,” the court said, “generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely to ever be undone.”

Caricature Rick Santorum et les manifestations étudiantes

Caricature de Dave Granlund,

Caricature Stormy Daniels et Robert Mueller: même approche

Caricature de Kevin Siers, The Charlotte Observer, NC

Collaboration dans "Radio-Canada cet après-midi": entrevue de Stormy Daniels et retour sur "March for our lives"

Nos échanges à 17h21 et 17h43 sur l'audio fil du 26 mars:

Chronique dans "Québec aujourd'hui" sur les ondes de BLVD 102,1: Stormy Daniels une adversaire redoutable

La chronique dans la section "Réécouter" du 26 mars:

lundi 26 mars 2018

Donald Trump en hausse dans les sondages

Le président est de retour à un taux d'approbation de 42%, ce qui correspond à un de ces plus forts taux. On attribue cette hausse à sa gestion de l'économie.

 "The President's strongest approval ratings on the issues come on the economy, the only issue tested where his reviews tilt more positive than negative: 48% approve and 45% disapprove. That isn't the case on foreign trade, however, the economic issue on which Trump has most recently taken action, implementing tariffs aimed at Chinese imports, steel and aluminum. On trade generally, 38% approve of the President's work while 50% disapprove."

Caricatures Trump et le vote des femmes

Caricature d'Arcadio Esquivel, Costa Rica

Caricature d'Arcadio Esquivel, Costa Rica

Caricature Melania Trump appuie la construction du mur!!

Caricature de David Fitzsimmons, The Arizona Star, Tucson, AZ

Caricature Robert Mueller s'en remet à Stormy Daniels

Caricature de David Fitzsimmons, The Arizona Star, Tucson, AZ

Caricature Emma Gonzalez et le silence assourdissant

Caricature de Randall Enos, Easton, CT

Enos réfère au long silence qui a marqué l'allocution de 6 minutes et 20 secondes livrée par Emma Gonzalez lors de la manifestation de samedi à Washington.  Il s'agit de la durée de la fusillade de Parkland et Gonzalez soulignait ainsi que les dix-sept étaient réduites silence.

Caricature Stormy Daniels répond à l'intimidation de Donald Trump

Caricature de Marian Kamensky, Austria

Caricature démocratie égyptienne

Caricature de Stephane Peray, Thailand

Donald Trump expulse 60 Russes

En ordonnant l'expulsion les États-Unis joignent les rangs de nombreux pays occidentaux qui réagissent à l'empoisonnement en Angleterre d'un ancien agent russe. Il s'agit d'une rare réaction négative de l'administration Trump à l'endroit de la Russie.

 "The expulsions are the toughest action taken against the Kremlin by President Trump, who has been criticized for not being firm enough with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. The officials said the action was a coordinated effort with other allies. Poland announced it will expel the Russian ambassador and several other diplomats in response to the poisoning. And Germany announced plans to expel four Russian diplomats within the next week.

In a call with reporters, senior White House officials said that the move was to root out Russians actively engaging in intelligence operations against the country, and to show that the United States would stand with NATO allies. The officials said that the closure of the consulate in Seattle was ordered because of its proximity to a U.S. naval base."

dimanche 25 mars 2018

L'histoire à la rescousse des Américains: identifions les véritables héros

Vous comprendrez que comme professeur d'histoire j'approuve une bonne partie du contenu de cet article. Alors que des forts en gueule affirment redonner au pays sa grandeur, il n'est pas vain d'effectuer un retour dans le temps pour découvrir des figures réellement inspirantes.

 "Above all, patriotic history provides us heroes. The president, early in his tenure in office, blithered a bit about Frederick Douglass, clearly clueless about the identity let alone the greatness of a man who escaped slavery and then fought unremittingly against it. Patriotic biography gives us John Quincy Adams in every phase of his life, to include its end, when he took a lonely and principled vote on the Mexican War just before suffering a fatal cerebral hemorrhage on the floor of the House of Representatives. It gives readers Davy Crockett on the frontier and Audie Murphy at Anzio, and it also gives them Harriet Tubman rescuing men and women from bondage, or Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce fighting a hopeless fight for his people. It gives them complicated figures like Andrew Carnegie—strikebreaker and extraordinary philanthropist committed to building libraries across the country to give young people the keys to better futures.

All of us, but young people especially, need heroes, including the really complicated ones, and particularly these days, when character is in such short supply. Knowledge of what real heroes put up with makes it less likely that one will fall for the kind of nonsense purveyed by a stylish hysteric who wrote about the 2016 election as if a vote for Donald Trump were the equivalent of being one of the passengers—again, real heroes—who charged the hijackers of Flight 93 on September 11, 2001. To know what heroes look like is also to know what craven or spineless or obsequious or merely unserious persons are.

Le rôle des adultes pour "March for our lives"

Si l'énergie, les idées et les discours étaient bel et bien le fruit de l'implication des étudiants et des étudiantes, le soutien de nombreux adultes et de nombreuses organisations a été nécessaire pour planifier la grande manifestation d'hier. Un survol du soutien dans le New York Times.

 "Established groups and high-profile supporters were not the exclusive sources of money and organizing strength nationwide. As of Sunday, a GoFundMe page affiliated with the march in Washington had raised nearly $3.5 million. Half of the crowdsourced money was expected to help pay for Saturday’s protest, with the balance going to people directly affected by the Feb. 14 attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.

 Yet the role of leading gun control groups and advocates, and even local organizers, has plainly aggravated and frustrated critics of Saturday’s marches. Breitbart, the conservative website, said the events were “directed, promoted and funded by left-wing adults and adult-led organizations.”

Although adults were involved in some planning — an organizer listed on the National Park Service permit for the march in Washington, for example, is a prominent activist from California — there is little doubt that students were crucial to orchestrating Saturday’s events. In Washington, the area seemed to influence the program, which included Parkland students and celebrity guests but also a choir from Baltimore and remarks from a local 11-year-old girl."

Michael Avenatti l'avocat qui carbure à l'adrénaline

L'avocat de Stormy Daniels est haut en couleur et il semble hyperactif. Depuis quelques jours on le voit constamment dans les médias et il n'hésite pas à défier Donald Trump et ses avocats. L'homme se plaît dans la controverse et affiche sa réussite de manière ostentatoire. Un rival à la hauteur pour le président? Un portrait de Michael Avenatti dans le Washington Post.

 "After Avenatti left to attend the University of Pennsylvania, his father was unexpectedly laid off, and the son went to work to earn tuition money by doing opposition political research on Republicans and Democrats for a firm owned by Rahm Emanuel, the future chief of staff in the Obama White House and the current mayor of Chicago. Avenatti says he saw the “soft underbelly of politics,” and he left the job with a “significant degree of cynicism.”

In law school, he clerked at a law firm by day and took courses at night, finishing first in his class. He accumulated $340,000 of student debt, which he says he later erased with the bonus for a single big verdict while he was working at a California firm. His cases included a $10 million defamation lawsuit, which ended in a confidential settlement, that he filed on behalf of a socialite client against Paris Hilton. He was also on a team of lawyers who sued Trump and the producer of “The Apprentice” on behalf of a man who said they stole his idea for the hit show. The case ended in a settlement."

Les Tours de Laliberté migrent: rejoignez-moi sur le site du Journal de Québec et du Journal de Montréal

Depuis un certain temps je me demandais comment faire évoluer mon petit carnet web. La réponse m'est parvenue par le biais d'u...