mardi 30 septembre 2014

Chronique à Radio-Canada cet après-midi: élections de mi-mandat et cour suprême

La chronique est dans le segment qui début à 17h17 sur l'audio fil du 30 septembre. Chronique assombrie par la nouvelle du décès du skieur JP Auclair juste avant d'entrer en onde:

Ebola: un premier cas aux États-Unis (Dallas)

Un voyageur arrivant du Liberia.

 "The first case of Ebola has been diagnosed in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control said Tuesday evening. The individual had recently traveled to Liberia, the hardest-hit country in the West African outbreak.

Officials did not identify the patient’s gender or nationality but CDC director Tom Frieden said the individual is “critically ill.” The individual sought care Sunday at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. The person had left Liberia on Sept. 19 without any symptoms of the virus and signs of infection first surfaced on Sept. 24, the CDC said at a news briefing Tuesday evening."

Caricature États islamique sous-estimé et sécurité à la Maison Blanche


Gai et républicain: comment l'expliquer à ses amis?

Le parti républicain est généralement considéré comme une formation plus conservatrice et peu portée sur la défense de la lutte pour la reconnaissance des droits des homosexuels. Peut-on être gai et expliquer rationnellement à d'autres gais son choix politique?

 "Your friends are not the only ones who consider the phrase “gay Republican” to be a mystery, if not an oxymoron. I can certainly understand why they’d challenge your membership in a political party that as late as 2012 resoundingly approved a party platform banning same-sex marriage. But politics often makes strange bedfellows. If you and your friends are willing to engage in civil debate about this, I think you can find common ground."

For starters, remind them of Ted Olson, the attorney who successfully represented George W. Bush in Bush v. Gore before the Supreme Court, and then went on to become Bush’s solicitor general. Today Olson is widely heralded as the Republican architect of the successful fight to overturn California’s Prop. 8, which banned same-sex marriage.

Olson, who is straight, has no problem reconciling his conservative politics with his pro-marriage stance. As he told NPR in 2010: “If you are a conservative, how could you be against a relationship in which people who love one another want to publicly state their vows . . . and engage in a household in which they are committed to one another and become part of the community and accepted like other people?”

Julia Pierson (directrice des Services Secrets) afffronte le Congrès

Vous imaginez un peu la pression sur les épaules de la directrice des Services Secrets à la Maison Blanche alors qu'elle doit affronter des questions des membres d'un comité de la Chambre des représentants au sujet des dernières intrusions dans la demeure présidentielle? Plutôt inconfortable...

 "Julia Pierson promised a full review of all tactics, including use of force, in the wake of the Sept. 19 incident — which she said was the sixth breach of the White House fence in the past year.

 “It won’t happen again,” she pledged.

But members of a House oversight committee slammed back with repeated questions over whether the Secret Service was keeping pace with an array of perceived threats such as Islamist militants.

“Americans know the next attempt to take the White House . . . could well be a planned attack by a terrorist organization,’’ said Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Caricature clôture de la Maison Blanche: il faut l'élever!!!!


Husain Abdullah, "tebowing musulman"?

Une pénalité pour des célébrations excessives après un touché? La NFL déclare que le joueur n'aurait pas du être pénalisé. Pour Abdullah le retour d'interception qui a mené à son touché s'est terminé par une prière... À Allah.

 "NFL spokesman Michael Signora said Tuesday that Abdullah shouldn't have been penalized at all.

 "Husain Abdullah should not have been penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct following his fourth quarter touchdown," Signora said in a statement emailed to TPM. "Rule 12, Section 3, Article 1 (d) states 'players are prohibited from engaging in any celebrations or demonstrations while on the ground.' However, the officiating mechanic in this situation is not to flag a player who goes to the ground as part of religious expression, and as a result, there should have been no penalty on the play."

 The Chiefs safety is a devout Muslim and sat out the 2013 NFL season to make pilgrimage to Mecca. The flag for Abdullah's post-touchdown prayer stands in stark contrast to the way former Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow was celebrated for his habit of taking a knee in prayer during games."

Kevin Spacey joue Frank Underwood pour une bonne cause!

Kevin Spacey était à Washington pour amasser des fonds pour sa fondation. Il a chanté, dansé et fait des imitations tout en utilisant son personnage de Frank Underwood dans la série House of cards. Voici un extrait d'une autre émission qui permet de constater les talents d'imitateurs de l'acteur.  

"Spacey said some qualities of his character on the Netflix series have come in handy in running the foundation, including Underwood’s “sharp tongue, his clever wit, his relentless ambition, his overzealous commitment to his cause.”

 “So throughout this evening, I thought it would be nice to share some of the pearls of wisdom that I’ve collected in the first two seasons of ‘House of Cards.’ Or as I’m calling it tonight, ‘Frank Underwood’s Guide to Philanthropy’.”

lundi 29 septembre 2014

Caricature mamie Hillary en campagne...


Maison Blanche et sécurité: l'intrus intercepté plus loin qu'on le pensait

Contrairement à ce qu'on affirmait dans les premières déclarations, l'individu qui a franchit la clôture de la Maison Blanche n'a pas été intercepté à la porte. L'homme a pu se déplacer dans l'escalier pour atteindre l'East Room au deuxième étage.

 "Secret Service Director Julia Pierson has said the breach was “unacceptable” to her, and on Friday she briefed President Obama on her plans to shore up security.

Pierson is expected to face tough questions about the Gonzalez incident Tuesday at a hearing by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. The hearing is likely to cover a number of security lapses by the agency, including new revelations published over the weekend by The Washington Post about the failure to identify and properly investigate a 2011 shooting attack on the White House.

The more detailed account of this month’s security breach comes from people who provided information about the incident to The Washington Post and whistleblowers who contacted Rep. Jason Chaffetz, (R-Utah), chairman of a House Oversight subcommittee on Homeland Security."

Caricature cauchemar planétaire


Caricature iPhone 6: solution pratique


Caricature Hillary grand-maman


Caricature Narenda Modi aux États-Unis


Caricature État islamique et renseignements américains


Obama a-t-il unifié les ennemis des États-Unis?

Une critique de la stratégie de l'administration Obama pour contrer l'État islamique.

 "America’s airstrikes inside Syria against both the Islamic State, often known as ISIL, and Al Qaeda’s primary affiliate in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra, come with some obvious benefits — taking on a genuine threat to U.S. interests and security — but may also expose the United States to some unintended consequences — dangers that could haunt the United States for years to come.

Some of these dangers are apparent and some less obvious. As of July, more than 12,000 foreign fighters had flocked to Syria, hundreds bearing passports that could allow them to slip in and out of Western countries unnoticed. ISIL members in the region, or ISIL supporters globally, might soon conduct reprisal attacks against U.S. personnel and facilities abroad and could launch dangerous attacks in Europe or even against the U.S. homeland. The United States might see a hurried, conventional weapons attack by an unconnected but inspired supporter or, in the worst case, a former foreign fighter with sufficient skill and experience to hit a soft target like a transportation hub or shopping center.

Décapitation en Oklahoma: qui est Alton Nolen?

Le présumé tueur (il sera accusé formellement aujourd'hui) ne semble pas avoir été directement influencé par des factions terroristes même si son profil facebook révèle des images de Ben Laden. Une enfance normale et un profil normal avant des démêlées avec la justice dans les dernières années. Il tentait parfois de convertir ses collègues de travail à l'Islam.

 "He was really just a normal person," Dunn told the station. "He was polite. If you asked him to do something, he did it. It was like no red flags actually that I could ever think of."

At some point, that no-red-flags life seems to have taken a turn. In 2006, CNN affiliate KOKI-TV in Tulsa reported, Nolen was arrested after a police officer saw him throw bags of crack cocaine and marijuana out a car window as he was being pulled over for traffic violations."

Détroit: une place pour les citoyens noirs dans la relance de la ville?

L'auteur est un journaliste qui habitait Détroit avant de se déplacer en Ohio. Il conserve un lien étroit avec la ville et l'observe maintenant de l'extérieur.

 "Detroit is now a place where, in its most bustling parts, the faces are often young and white. Eighty-three percent of Detroit’s 688,701 residents are African American, according to the latest Census figures—the city has been majority black for more than three decades—but you’d be hard pressed to believe those numbers because, well, the black population seems less visible now. National media outlets have been criticized for parachuting into the city, and only showing white Detroit. But if we are painfully honest with ourselves, the growing majority of startups, businesses and restaurants attracting such broad attention, are mostly white owned. Dispatches from Detroit as the latest urban comeback story don’t often include scenes from deep inside the city’s distressed neighborhoods. Such ruin porn, as it’s called, would defeat the purpose."

Caricature Chelsea Clinton et les ambitions présidentielles de sa fille!


John Oliver entre l'humour et le journalisme d'enquête

Topo intéressant sur le travail de l'animateur de l'émission Last week tonight sur HBO. Et je ne suis pas le seul professeur à utiliser des segments de son émission dans ses cours!

 "That's journalism, minus any apparent attempt to let pageant officials offer their side. The organization subsequently issued a statement not specifically addressing Oliver's charge that Miss America was being misleading, but said that "as with any scholarship, the full amount awarded may not always be used as recipients plans change or evolve."

 Oliver has journalists who worked at the New York Times Magazine and ProPublica on his writing staff.

Robert Thompson, director of Syracuse University's Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture, calls Oliver's work "investigative comedy." Thompson has played the net neutrality segment for his students.

Research indicates that young people are much more likely than their elders to take a deeper dive into news stories that interest them, searching for more information online, said Tom Rosenstiel, executive director of the American Press Institute. What Oliver is doing responds to that desire, he said."

Narendra Modi (Premier ministre de l'Inde) à New York (John Oliver, HBO)

John Oliver et le recours aux drones

Derek Jeter honoré en territoire ennemi pour le dernier match de sa carrière

J'ai souligné à plusieurs reprises que Derek Jeter incarne le joueur de baseball professionnel dans ce qu'il a de meilleur à offrir. Les Red Sox de Boston, pourtant les éternel rivaux des Yankees, ont réservé un bel hommage au capitaine de l'équipe de New York. Je vous laisse des liens pour des articles dans le New York Times et le Boston Herald ainsi qu'un lien pour un montage de Major League Baseball (à voir, très bien fait) qui permet d'entendre la foule scander le nom de Jeter avant de l'applaudir chaudement.

 "Soon enough came the ceremony on the field, featuring Boston sports greats like Carl Yastrzemski and Bobby Orr. Pete Frates, the former Boston College baseball captain who inspired the A.L.S. Ice Bucket Challenge, was there, too, and a singer from “The Voice” serenaded Jeter with Aretha Franklin’s “Respect.”

The gifts were modest — a pair of duck boots, a base with his number on it, a signed “RE2PECT” plate from the scoreboard, a check to his foundation — and the cheers from the fans heartfelt. Jeter had been a worthy rival.

“I don’t know many people who could really unite a crowd like he did today,” Girardi said later. “Such big rivals, so much history between the teams, but you would have thought it was one team today.”

The Red Sox marched onto the field to greet Jeter, one by one, in the ceremony. Joe Kelly, who on Saturday became the last pitcher to strike out Jeter, posed for a selfie with him.

 Lien pour l'article du New York Times:

Lien pour l'article du Boston Herald: 

 Le montage de MLB:

dimanche 28 septembre 2014

Un shérif républicain pour contrer le dictateur Obama

Anecdotique me direz-vous, mais malgré tout révélateur de la pensée de certains américains...

 "As DeKalb County, Alabama, prepares to elect its next sheriff, one local Republican has taken it on herself to ask voters a tough question: In the likely scenario that President Obama suspends the 2016 elections and seizes dictatorial power, can the local citizens count on a Democratic sheriff to oppose him?

Betty Mason, a Republican donor who is married to a longtime leader of Alabama's Republican Party, posed the question in a letter she mailed last week to voters in DeKalb County, which covers a rural community in the northeast corner of the state.

"Obama is determined to be a dictator with the executive orders he signs," she wrote. "He has left the US Constitution in shreds. If Obama decides to run again (against US law) or declares a National Emergency to suspend elections in 2016, what will our Democrat sheriff do? I am concerned he will go along with this lawless president."

Nous avons sous-estimé la menace de l'État islamique (Obama)

Un aveu du président américain pendant une entrevue à l'émission "60 minutes".

 "Echoing sentiments also expressed by James Clapper, the head of U.S. intelligence services, Obama said the government "underestimated what had been taking place in Syria" during its civil war, allowing Syria to become "ground zero for jihadists around the world."

Speaking in a taped interview with CBS' "60 Minutes," Obama said the terrorists were remnants of al Qaeda in Iraq, which after being diminished by U.S. forces "went back underground."

"Over the past couple of years, during the chaos of the Syrian civil war, where essentially you have huge swaths of the country that are completely ungoverned, they were able to reconstitute themselves and take advantage of that chaos," Obama said, adding later the U.S. also overrated Iraq's security forces, which were quickly overrun by ISIS when it took over the northern city of Mosul this summer.

La Turquie au sein de la coalition sous peu?

Une situation particulièrement complexe pour la Turquie qui est déjà un allié des États-Unis. Le pays a condamné les gestes et la brutalité de l'État islamique, mais il craint que l'action de la coalition ne donne plus de poids aux séparatistes kurdes sur son territoire.

 "On hilltops within sight of frontier outposts like this one, black-clad Islamic State fighters have been battling for the last week with Kurdish militants defending Kobani, a besieged Kurdish area that has become the prize in a fierce struggle between Syria’s embattled Kurds and the rampaging Islamic State militants. Turkish fighters have watched from behind the border fence.

It is a violent, murky situation, with the Turkish authorities preventing Kurds from crossing into Syria to help their Kurdish brethren fight, while Syrian Kurds are fleeing into Turkey to escape the militants. The chaos on the border, and Turkey’s ambivalent reaction, is a reflection of Turkey’s complex role in the Syrian civil war raging to its south. Turkey is caught between conflicting interests: defeating Islamic militants across its border while not enhancing the power of its own Kurdish separatists.

The dilemma played out on Saturday here as outgunned Kurdish fighters battled the militants at close range, within several hundred yards of the border fence. At the same time, the United States conducted its first strikes against the Islamic State moving into Kobani villages from another direction.

Maison Blanche: les services secrets pointés du doigt pour des maladresses en 2011

Alors qu'on s'inquiète des tentatives récentes d'individus qui ont défié les mesures de sécurité, cet article du Washington Post souligne qu'en 2011 les services secrets avaient eu besoin de quatre jours avant de constater qu'un tireur avait fait feu à plusieurs reprises vers la Maison Blanche. Les balles atteignaient même une partie de la résidence où les Obamas passent beaucoup de temps.

 "A bullet smashed a window on the second floor, just steps from the first family’s formal living room. Another lodged in a window frame, and more pinged off the roof, sending bits of wood and concrete to the ground. At least seven bullets struck the upstairs residence of the White House, flying some 700 yards across the South Lawn.

 President Obama and his wife were out of town on that evening of Nov. 11, 2011, but their younger daughter, Sasha, and Michelle Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, were inside, while older daughter Malia was expected back any moment from an outing with friends.

Secret Service officers initially rushed to respond. One, stationed directly under the second-floor terrace where the bullets struck, drew her .357 handgun and prepared to crack open an emergency gun box. Snipers on the roof, standing just 20 feet from where one bullet struck, scanned the South Lawn through their rifle scopes for signs of an attack. With little camera surveillance on the White House perimeter, it was up to the Secret Service officers on duty to figure out what was going on.

  Then came an order that surprised some of the officers. “No shots have been fired. . . . Stand down,” a supervisor called over his radio. He said the noise was the backfire from a nearby construction vehicle."

C.I.A. Starbucks: surtout pas de noms sur les verres (Washington Post)

Le Starbucks des installations de la C.I.A. à Langley en Virginie serait l'un des plus occupés de la célèbre chaîne, mais vous devinez qu'on n'y sert pas le café comme on le ferait ailleurs. Petit topo intéressant du Washington Post sur le fonctionnement de cette succursale particulière.

 "Because the campus is a highly secured island, few people leave for coffee, and the lines, both in the morning and mid-afternoon, can stretch down the hallway. According to agency lore, one senior official, annoyed by the amount of time employees were wasting, was known to approach someone at the back of the line and whisper, “What have you done for your country today?”

This coffee shop looks pretty much like any other Starbucks, with blond wooden chairs and tables, blueberry and raspberry scones lining the bakery cases, and progressive folk rock floating from the speakers. (There are plans to redecorate, possibly including spy paraphernalia from over the decades.)

But the manager said this shop “has a special mission,” to help humanize the environment for employees, who work under high pressure often in windowless offices and can’t fiddle with their smartphones during downtime. For security, they have to leave them in their cars.

samedi 27 septembre 2014

Caricature Clooney of Arabia


"Boobs on the ground": lettre ouverte pour dénoncer une blague sexiste sur Fox News

J'écrivais hier au sujet de cette première femme pilote d'un chasseur pour les Émirats Arabes Unis. Elle a mené la charge lors de bombardements dans le cadre des opérations en Syrie pour déloger l'État islamique. Des animateurs de Fox News ont récuré l'expression "No boots on the ground" (pas de troupes au sol) en l'appliquant à l'histoire de cette femme, d'où le titre de billet. Devant l'accumalation de courriels et de plaintes, ils se sont excusés un peu plus tard. je vous présente ici une lettre ouverte de vétérans des forces armées américaines qui participent au Truman National Security Project, un regroupement dont le but est le suivant: "develop and advance strong, smart, and principled solutions to the global challenges Americans now face."

Dear Mr. Bolling and Mr. Gutfeld,

We are veterans of the United States armed forces, and we are writing to inform you that your remarks about United Arab Emirates Air Force Major Mariam Al Mansouri were unwarranted, offensive, and fundamentally opposed to what the military taught us to stand for.

 First, foremost, and most obvious to everyone other than yourselves, your remarks were immensely inappropriate. Your co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle was so right to call attention to an inspiring story of a woman shattering glass ceilings in a society where doing so is immeasurably difficult. We never heard an answer to her question: why did you feel so compelled to “ruin her thing?”

As it turns out, women have been flying combat aircraft since before either of you were born. Over 1,000 Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs) flew during World War II. Seeing as U.S. Army Air Forces Commander “Hap” Arnold said “Now in 1944, it is on the record that women can fly as well as men,” we can probably guess he thought their parking was adequate. The WASP legacy reaches into the present day; on 9/11, then Lt. Heather “Lucky” Penney scrambled her F-16. Completely unarmed, she was ready to lay down her own life to prevent further devastating attacks on American soil.

Thus the skill of women as fighter pilots is well established. And before you jump to the standby excuse that you were “just making a joke” or “having a laugh,” let the men amongst our number preemptively respond: You are not funny. You are not clever. And you are not excused. Perhaps the phrase “boys will be boys”—inevitably uttered wherever misogyny is present—is relevant. Men would never insult and demean a fellow servicemember; boys think saying the word ‘boobs’ is funny.

The less obvious implication of your remarks, however, is that by offending an ally and cheapening her contribution, you are actively hurting the mission. We need to send a clear message that anyone, male or female, who will stand up to ISIS and get the job done is worthy of our respect and gratitude.

We issue an apology on your behalf to Major Al Mansouri knowing that anything your producers force you to say will be contrived and insincere. Major, we’re sincerely sorry for the rudeness; clearly, these boys don’t take your service seriously, but we and the rest of the American public do.

Milliardaires et mythes

L'auteur de l'article Darrell M. West a également rédigé un bouquin intitulé Billionaires: Reflections on the Upper Crust. Il nous présente ici les cinq mythes les plus répandus au sujet des milliardaires.

Son premier exemple réfère au fait que les milliardaires seraient en mesure "d'acheter" des élections. Un extrait:

 "But money doesn’t always equal political power. Recent elections have been littered with failures on the part of billionaires. Conservative financiers didn’t defeat President Obama in 2012, despite spending hundreds of millions of dollars to do so. Former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, News Corp. chief executive Rupert Murdoch and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg have failed to persuade members of Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform. This year, Bloomberg is devoting $50 million to lobby legislators to adopt relatively mild measures designed to reduce gun violence, but so far the campaign hasn’t produced much legislative action. Conservatives have not gotten Congress to repeal Obamacare, despite numerous ads and outreach activities publicizing its defects. There has been no meaningful entitlement reform, even though many billionaires, including Peter Peterson and Stanley Druckenmiller, warn about the dangers of high debt levels and the need to address long-term deficits."

 La totalité du texte:

Clintons: premières photos de Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky

Avec la candidature éventuelle d'Hillary Clinton et la popularité de Bill Clinton, l'accouchement de leur fille Chelsea est devenu un événement médiatique. Les premières photos de Charlotte n'ont pas tardé à se retrouver dans les médias.

 "Chelsea Clinton announced the birth on Twitter. “Marc and I are full of love, awe and gratitude as we celebrate the birth of our daughter, Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky,” she posted.%% n a joint statement, Bill and Hillary Clinton said they were “blessed, grateful, and so happy” to become grandparents.

“We are thrilled to be with our daughter and her husband as they welcome their daughter into the world. Chelsea is well and glowing. Marc is bursting with pride. Charlotte’s life is off to a good start,” the statement said.

Chelsea and her parents later posted pictures of themselves with Charlotte to Twitter.

Caricature iPhone 6 plié: utilisation normale?


vendredi 26 septembre 2014

Caricature Obama, couverture médiatique et journalisme d'enquête


Eric Holder: la lutte pour sa succession

Je miserais sur Deval Patrick sans exclure complètement Preet Bharara.

 "Frequently mentioned candidates to replace Mr. Holder include Kathryn Ruemmler, the former White House counsel who remains close to Mr. Obama; Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts; Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli Jr.; former Gov. Jennifer M. Granholm of Michigan; Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Democrat of Rhode Island, a former prosecutor; Preet Bharara, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York; and Loretta E. Lynch, the United States attorney in Brooklyn. Mr. Patrick on Thursday said that it was not the right time for him to take such a job.

White House officials said that Mr. Obama had not yet decided on a successor, with one official saying the president was “a long way” from an announcement. In a ceremony in the State Dining Room on Thursday, Mr. Obama said Mr. Holder had promised to stay in his job until a successor was confirmed."

Bill Clinton: peut-il être contrôlé?

Bill Clinton est à la fois une arme redoutable et une faiblesse pour la campagne éventuelle d'Hillary Clinton.

 "Bill Clinton remains the Democratic Party’s peerless political brand, and whatever the public’s occasional ambivalence about his flaws, he is also a superb “secretary of explaining stuff,” as no less a cool-eyed critic than Barack Obama acknowledged in 2012. Any Democratic candidate for the presidency would be foolish not to bask in his glow.

 But the sheer size of Clinton’s personality and reputation poses special problems for his wife’s ambitions—and this is true whether or not he veers angrily off-message, as he sometimes did during her embattled 2008 campaign, to the chagrin of Hillary’s twitchy campaign advisers and the delight of Obama’s team.

“It’s a very thorny problem for her, I think, and not because he’s without incredible gifts and savvy and political judgment, but because that stuff isn’t really transferable,” said Eli Attie, who as a speechwriter and adviser to Al Gore lived through Gore’s fretful ambivalence about how to deal with Clinton in his own presidential campaign in 2000. “In fact, it sets up an impossible and unfavorable comparison.”

Musulmane pilote d'avion de chasse pour frapper l'État islamique

Un message symbolique?

 "The first female fighter pilot in the United Arab Emirates, she led a strike mission this week against the terror group, that country's ambassador to the United States said Thursday.

"She is (a) fully qualified, highly trained, combat ready pilot, and she led the mission," Yousef Al Otaiba told MSNBC's "Morning Joe." The UAE has joined the United States and a handful of other Arab nations in conducting airstrikes against ISIS in Syria.

This summer, the group declared the establishment of a "caliphate," an Islamic state stretching across the territory it has conquered. It maintains strict rules for women, who are lashed for infractions such as not being fully covered.

Al Otaiba said the campaign against ISIS basically boils down to the question of what type of society one wants."

Caricature l'héroïne peut vous mener loin, très loin...


Caricature salut militaire autres formes de "courtoisie"...


jeudi 25 septembre 2014

Caricature catch 22: armer les bons rebelles


 L'expression catch 22 réfère au roman de Joseph Heller publié en 1961.

L'armée américaine détruit son propre matériel

Il y a parfois de ces revirements de situation qui coûtent cher... L'armée américaine doit maintenant investir pour détruire du matériel passé aux mains de l'État islamique et la facture est salée.

 "The U.S. is sending $30,000-bombs to eliminate these armored vehicles, which cost about a quarter of a million dollars each depending what it is equipped with, according to Todd Harrison, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.

The U.S. Defense Department confirmed the targets to CNN. "In some cases, we have seen instances of ISIL capturing and employing U.S.-made equipment," said a spokesperson. "When we've seen these terrorists employing this equipment, we've sought to eliminate that threat."

Once the U.S. destroys the equipment, it might have to re-supply the Iraqi military.

"If we want them [the Iraqi military] to be able to secure their own borders in the long run, we're going to have to re-equip them," said Harrison. "So we'll be buying another Humvee and sending it back to the Iraqi military.''

Caricature "ménage à trois" américain, iranien et syrien


Caricature Eric Holder quitte


Eric Holder quitte: le président Obama perd un allié et un ami

C'est fois est la bonne. À plusieurs reprises Eric Holder avait laissé entendre qu'il souhaitait partir, mais il attendait un calme relativement plus calme pour l'annoncer. Le premier homme noir a occupé la fonction d'Attorney General a été particulièrement fidèle à son président dont il était également un ami personnel.

 “After serving for nearly six years as the head of the Justice Department, Holder is the first African American to be Attorney General of the United States and will be the fourth longest person to hold the position,” a White House official, who asked not to be identified because the announcement had not been made yet, said in an e-mail.

“Holder’s accomplishments have established a historic legacy of civil rights enforcement and restoring fairness to the criminal justice system. Holder revitalized the Department’s praised Civil Rights Division, protected the rights of the LGBT community, successfully prosecuted terrorists, and fought tirelessly for voting rights, to name a few. He will remain at the Department of Justice until his post is filled.”

Caricature Arabie saoudite supporte les États-Unis


Le "latte salute" et les humoristes

Caricature textos au volant et pénalités plus sévères


Caricature État islamique et Arabie saoudite: à ne pas confondre...


Eisenhower Memorial: on va de l'avant! Probablement...

Le budget a été voté en 1999 et la construction devait débuter en 2007. Une querelle avec la famille a retardé les travaux.

 "The panel, the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission, voted to present the design Oct. 2 to the National Capital Planning Commission, but the controversy is far from over.

The design, by Frank Gehry, one of the nation’s most prominent architects, is expected to come under heavy criticism from the planning committee, which must approve the project before work can begin. Legislators have been withholding funding for the project since last year.

In its vote Wednesday, the commission scrapped a more restrained design that was championed by Representative Darrell Issa, Republican of California, and the Eisenhower family. At least one critic has said that sections of Mr. Gehry’s design are reminiscent of a scene from “Planet of the Apes.”%% The Eisenhower family declined to comment on the vote.

Les Tours de Laliberté migrent: rejoignez-moi sur le site du Journal de Québec et du Journal de Montréal

Depuis un certain temps je me demandais comment faire évoluer mon petit carnet web. La réponse m'est parvenue par le biais d'u...