vendredi 30 septembre 2016
Apple et le cobalt du Congo: sur les traces de votre batterie de iPhone
"The Post traced this cobalt pipeline and, for the first time, showed how cobalt mined in these harsh conditions ends up in popular consumer products. It moves from small-scale Congolese mines to a single Chinese company — Congo DongFang International Mining, part of one of the world’s biggest cobalt producers, Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt — that for years has supplied some of the world’s largest battery makers. They, in turn, have produced the batteries found inside products such as Apple’s iPhones — a finding that calls into question corporate assertions that they are capable of monitoring their supply chains for human rights abuses or child labor.
Apple, in response to questions from The Post, acknowledged that this cobalt has made its way into its batteries. The Cupertino, Calif.-based tech giant said that an estimated 20 percent of the cobalt it uses comes from Huayou Cobalt. Paula Pyers, a senior director at Apple in charge of supply-chain social responsibility, said the company plans to increase scrutiny of how all its cobalt is obtained. Pyers also said Apple is committed to working with Huayou Cobalt to clean up the supply chain and to addressing the underlying issues, such as extreme poverty, that result in harsh work conditions and child labor."
Trump est un déséquilibré (Hillary Clinton)
"“What kind of a man stays up all night to smear a woman with lies and conspiracy theories?” Clinton asked in a subsequent tweets. Trump’s Twitter tirade about Machado spanned 16 minutes, wrapping up at 5:30 a.m. An earlier tweet warning readers not to trust anonymous sources dishing on his campaign was posted on Trump's account at 3:20 a.m.
“Alicia deserves praise for courageously standing up to Trump's attacks. And he has the gall to blame her — and say he ‘helped’?” Clinton continued. “When something gets under Donald's thin skin, he lashes out and can't let go. This is dangerous for a president.”"
FBI et Hillary: que contiennent les dossiers?
"The interviews—taken together and reconstructed for this article into the first-ever comprehensive narrative of how her email server scandal unfolded—draw a picture of the controversy quite different from what either side has made it out to be. Together, the documents, technically known as Form 302s, depict less a sinister and carefully calculated effort to avoid transparency than a busy and uninterested executive who shows little comfort with even the basics of technology, working with a small, harried inner circle of aides inside a bureaucracy where the IT and classification systems haven’t caught up with how business is conducted in the digital age. Reading the FBI’s interviews, Clinton’s team hardly seems organized enough to mount any sort of sinister cover-up. There’s scant oversight of the way Clinton communicated, and little thought given to how her files might be preserved for posterity—MacBook laptops with outdated archives are FedExed across the country, cutting-edge iPads are discarded quickly and BlackBerry devices are rejected for being “too heavy” as staff scrambled to cater to Clinton’s whims."
Shimon Peres: un dernier hommage des leaders de 70 pays
"A younger generation will “probably remember him for a peace process that never reached its end,” Obama said, noting that critics on the left wanted Peres to acknowledge Israel’s failings, while those on the right believed he “refused to see the true wickedness of world and called him naive.”
“I don’t think he was naive. He understood from hard-earned experience that true security comes from making peace with your neighbors,” he said, comparing Peres to South African President Nelson Mandela. “He believed that the Zionist idea was best protected when the Palestinians have a state of their own.”
La Fondation Trump n'a jamais obtenu la certification nécessaire
"Under the laws in New York, where the Donald J. Trump Foundation is based, any charity that solicits more than $25,000 a year from the public must obtain a special kind of registration beforehand. Charities as large as Trump’s must also submit to a rigorous annual audit that asks — among other things — whether the charity spent any money for the personal benefit of its officers.
If New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman (D) finds that Trump’s foundation raised money in violation of the law, he could order the charity to stop raising money immediately. With a court’s permission, Schneiderman could also force Trump to return money that his foundation has already raised."
jeudi 29 septembre 2016
USA Today rompt avec la tradition: "Trump est inapte"
"Whether through indifference or ignorance, Trump has betrayed fundamental commitments made by all presidents since the end of World War II. These commitments include unwavering support for NATO allies, steadfast opposition to Russian aggression, and the absolute certainty that the United States will make good on its debts. He has expressed troubling admiration for authoritarian leaders and scant regard for constitutional protections."
D'autres Républicains appuient Clinton
"While noting that they have their disagreements with Clinton, Republicans on the call praised Clinton’s debate performance, as well as her temperament, judgment, resume, ability to work in bipartisan fashion and history of public service. They also echoed a theme of the Clinton campaign: that she's the candidate who could provide a better life their children and grandchildren — and they excoriated Trump, criticizing his temperament, his qualifications and his offensive rhetoric toward women and minorities.
“I have to tell you,” former Rhode Island Rep. Claudine Schneider began, “it is very offensive to me that we have the first candidate ever running for president who routinely disparages half of our population, and to me that’s absolutely unthinkable for the Oval Office.”"
Caricature Flint Michigan: solution facile?
Caricature de RJ MATSON, ROLL CALL
Va-t-on attendre l'élection du 8 novembre avant d'autoriser les fonds pour venir en aide à la ville de Flint? On a bougé hier et aujourd'hui sur cette question.
Caricature Trump et "Le cri" de Munch
Un petit clin d'oeil du caricaturiste roumain au célèbre "Cri" de Munch qui en a peint cinq versions entre 1893 et 1917.
Michelle Obama un complément parfait pour Hillary Clinton
“As someone who doesn't do a lot of politics, the first lady has a particularly powerful voice for undecided voters and she has a particular appeal with young people,” Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri said during a gaggle on Hillary’s plane between events. “But it's not limited to young people. And we saw in the convention, she takes the argument for why Hillary's the right person for our kids to a high moral ground that is very compelling.”
Fox News et les sondages: la direction ramène ses empolyés à l'ordre
"As most of the publications themselves clearly state, the sample obviously can’t be representative of the electorate because they only reflect the views of those Internet users who have chosen to participate," Dana Blanton, Fox News’s vice president of public-opinion research, wrote in the memo to the channel's politics team, which was obtained by Business Insider’s Oliver Darcy. "Another problem — we know some campaigns/groups of supporters encourage people to vote in online polls and flood the results," she wrote. "These quickie click items do not meet our editorial standards."
Gary Johnson trébuche encore
"Pressed by “Hardball” host Chris Matthews to “name one foreign leader that you respect and look up to,” Johnson stumbled.
“I guess I’m having an Aleppo moment in the former president of Mexico,” Johnson said.
“Well which one?” Matthews angrily insisted.
“I’m having a brain freeze,” the Libertarian nominee replied."
Obama demande à Kaepernick de réfléchir
"The president defended Kaepernick and others who have joined him in such acts, which many Americans consider offensive, saying, “We fight sometimes so that people can do things that we disagree with.” But Obama also said people on both sides of the issue should keep open ears.
“Sometimes out of these controversies, we start getting into a conversation, and I want everybody to listen to each other,” Obama said. “So I want Mr. Kaepernick and others who are on a knee, I want them to listen to the pain that that may cause somebody who, for example, had a spouse or a child who was killed in combat, and why it hurts them to see somebody not standing.”
The president added, however: “I also want people to think about the pain that he may be expressing about somebody who’s lost a loved one that they think was unfairly shot.”
Caricature 11 septembre 2001 et poursuites contre l'Arabie saoudite
En renversant le veto du Président Obama hier le Congrès permet aux familles des victimes du 11 septembre de poursuivre l'Arabie saoudite. Les retombées risquent d'être nombreuses et le processus difficile.
mercredi 28 septembre 2016
Caricature Miss Piggy et Donald Trump
Miss Piggy est le surnom attribué par Trump à l'ancienne Miss Univers Alicia Machado.
Obama renversé par le Congrès: on casse son veto pour la première fois
"Traveling aboard Air Force One Wednesday, White House press secretary Josh Earnest called the vote “the single most embarrassing thing the United States Senate has done possibly since 1983,” when Congress overwhelmingly voted to override President Reagan’s veto of an Oregon land transfer bill.
“Ultimately these senators are going to have to answer their own conscience and their constituents as they account for their actions today,” Earnest said, noting that at least one GOP senator said some of his colleagues had failed to read the bill before voting on it initially. “To have members of the United States Senate only recently informed of the negative impact of this bill on our service members and our diplomats is in itself embarrassing.”
The Senate vote was 97 to 1 and the House tally was 348 to 77."
Intervention au Téléjournal Québec (27 septembre): retour sur le premier débat présidentiel
"Crooked Donald" Donald Trump coincé légalement pour une utilisation frauduleuse de sa fondation?
"Our reporter Tierney Sneed spent the day reporting on the latest information on the Trump Foundation. We now have clear evidence of self-dealing in the payouts made by the Foundation and as of yesterday pretty clear evidence that Trump has used the Foundation to avoid paying taxes on income. The combination could spell real legal trouble for Trump, possible even criminal penalties. In short, you're not allowed to use a family foundation as a piggy bank or slush fund for tax avoidance and personal or business purposes. We've proceeded cautiously in what we know and what we don't. We've also tried to be cognizant of the fact that this is an area of criminal law where intent is critical - which is to say, ignorance of the law is a defense. That said, one top former IRS official involved in oversight of tax exempt organizations told TPM, "Once you see a pattern of that kind of egregious nature, you start to think if whether there’s an appropriate criminal referral there." Here's the story."
Shimon Peres, le rêveur réaliste
Poursuivre l'Arabie saoudite représente des risques (éditorial New York Times)
"Sextin Joe" bientôt maire de Richmond (Virginie"
"In professional circles, among blacks and whites, Morrissey is nothing less than an embarrassment, his cringe-worthy moments including the photo he once distributed of himself and Warren and their newborn son dressed in antebellum costumes seemingly out of “Gone With the Wind.”
In addition to his 6-month-old daughter and 18-month-old son with Myrna, Morrissey is the father of three more children with three different women, none of whom he married. His oldest child is 29.
“Many people would be mortified if Joe Morrissey is elected,” said former Virginia governor L. Douglas Wilder, who once served as the city’s mayor and who is not endorsing any candidate."
Caricature Donald Trump au plancher?
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