mardi 29 novembre 2016
Elaine Chao aux transports: Turmp nomme une ancienne de l'ère Bush
"Chao served as labor secretary during President George W. Bush’s entire eight-year administration and was the first Asian American female Cabinet member in U.S. history. If confirmed by the Senate, she would add diversity to a Trump inner circle initially criticized as consisting of mostly older white men."
Donald Trump place Tom Price à la santé
As HHS secretary, Price would be the nation’s top health official and the incoming administration’s point person for dismantling the sprawling 2010 health-care law, which Trump promised during his campaign to start dismantling on his first day in the Oval Office. The 62-year-old lawmaker, who represents a wealthy suburban Atlanta district, has played a leading role in Republican opposition to the law and has helped draft several comprehensive bills to replace it. The GOP-led House has voted five dozen times to eliminate all or part of the ACA but has never had a chance to accomplish its goal as long as President Obama has been in the White House."
lundi 28 novembre 2016
Trump a vaincu les médias traditionnels. On fait quoi maintenant? (Paul Waldman, Washington Post)
Trump a poussé l'art du mensonge à un niveau jamais atteint et il s'amuse à détourner l'attention des journalistes vers des bêtises comme nul autre. Comment peut-on le contrer? Les suggestions d'un auteur qui est sur le point de baisser les bras. Avouons que le phénomène est inquiétant tout de même, je ne prends pas position pour les Démocrates si je relève la sutpidé et la malhonnêteté des déclarations du nouveau Président, je fais simplement mon travail... À mes yeux la solution réside moins dans la couverture médiatique que dans les limites du jeu partisan. Une condamnation unanime de son attitude, à gauche comme à droite, constituerait un bon antidote.
"First, they could just report the whole disagreement as a he said/she said, which happens far too often and is obviously unacceptable. Second, they could do what many news outlets are doing now, which is to make the story, “Trump said this false thing.” That’s more accurate, but it can inadvertently spread the lie.
If we take as a given that journalists have to refute the president’s falsehoods, there’s one more judgment they can make, which is the choice for how much play they’re going to give the story. There’s no law saying that every tweet Donald Trump sends has to result in screaming headlines and lead that night’s news broadcast. “Trump makes false claim” can be a short item on page A14.
You can argue that the fact that the president-elect is calling into question the results of the election based on an insane conspiracy theory is, objectively speaking, big news, and therefore it must be covered as such. Perhaps. But that means that Trump is once again getting his way with the media. I wish I had a better answer for what could be done about it."
Un grand électeur démissionne plutôt que de voter pour Trump
"Sisneros detailed his decision to resign in a little-noticed blog post over the weekend. In it, he argued that Trump is unqualified to be president — but also wrote that he knows he can’t prevent it from happening.
“If Trump is not qualified and my role, both morally and historically, as an elected official is to vote my conscience, then I can not and will not vote for Donald Trump for President. I believe voting for Trump would bring dishonor to God,” Sisneros wrote. “The reality is Trump will be our President, no matter what my decision is.”
Sisneros said his resignation is a reflection of his belief that “our republic is lost.”"
Trump déclaré vainqueur au Michigan
On a finalement terminé le décompte des votes au Michigan et Donald Trump est déclaré vainqueur. Cela n'effecte cependant pas la demande de recomptage de Jill Stein.
Attaque en Ohio: le suspect abattu et on dénombre neuf blessés
"Stone said it was “too early to say” whether it was a terrorist attack. The Islamic State and al-Qaeda have encouraged followers to carry out knife attacks, and the Islamic State also has urged its supporters to use cars as weapons. In July, a man the militant group called a “soldier” killed dozens with a truck attack in France."
Chronique dans "Québec aujourd'hui" sur les ondes de BLVD 102,1: décès de Fidel Castro
Caricature Fidel Castro icône du socialisme
dimanche 27 novembre 2016
Caricature Fidel Castro un héritage parti en fumée?
Les célèbres cigares de Fidel Castro, les cohibas, se retrouvent en vedette d'une foule de caricatures qui soulignent le décès du meur de la révolution cubaine. Heller utilise ici l'image pour prendre position face à l'héritage du leader cubain mort à 90 ans.
Trump affirme avoir remporté le vote populaire!
"In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally," Trump wrote on Twitter.
There is no evidence to support Trump's claim, which marks an unprecedented rebuke of the U.S. voting system for a president-elect.
Hillary Clinton is now ahead in the popular vote by more about 2.2 million votes, though Trump won the election by beating Clinton in key battleground states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida and Wisconsin."
Donald Trump change d'idée 15 fois en 15 jours...
"Well, the candidate who told his supporters he likes to “tell it like it is” is now the president-elect—and he still hasn’t found a comfortable resting place on many of the issues that defined his history-making candidacy. Since his surprising election, Trump has switched his stands on everything from his signature border wall to his rather low opinion of the man he is replacing in the Oval Office. He has a way to go to before he matches the sheer volume of self-disagreement that he racked up prior to Election Day, but his batting average over his brief time as the 45th president is perfection itself—15 about-faces in 15 days."
La révolution castriste selon trois générations d'une même famille
Le rapprochement d'Obama avec Cuba survivra-t-il à la victoire républicaine?
"The lack of a call for an end to diplomatic ties suggests that hardliners in Congress are coming to terms with the growing bipartisan support for the relationship with Cuba. Fidel Castro's death may even give some Republicans a fresh reason to cast off decades-old grudges against the island just 90 miles off America's shores.
A Republican congressional aide told POLITICO on Saturday that lawmakers are increasingly more focused on the need to re-calibrate some of the regulatory changes made by Obama than completely cutting off ties. They care less about whether the U.S. mission in Havana is called an embassy than they do about whether the U.S., through its dialogues and regulatory changes, is doing enough to force the communist regime to change its practices, the aide said.
A Trump administration could, for instance, adjust regulations that cover who can travel to Cuba or who can do business there to send a signal to the Cuban government that it has to make some changes on human rights and other fronts if it wants to reap the benefits of the relationship, the aide said."
Donald Trump contrarié par la participation du clan Clinton au recomptage
"“This recount is just a way for Jill Stein, who received less than one percent of the vote overall and wasn’t even on the ballot in many states, to fill her coffers with money, most of which she will never even spend on this ridiculous recount,” Trump said in a statement released by his transition team. "This is a scam by the Green Party for an election that has already been conceded, and the results of this election should be respected instead of being challenged and abused, which is exactly what Jill Stein is doing."
In his only mention of Clinton, the president-elect -- who frequently raised questions during the campaign about voter fraud and the prospect that the election process would be rigged against him -- reminded that the Democratic nominee had already conceded.
“The people have spoken and the election is over, and as Hillary Clinton herself said on election night, in addition to her conceding by congratulating me, 'We must accept this result and then look to the future,'” he said."
samedi 26 novembre 2016
La mort de Fidel Castro n'influencerait pas les relations avec les États-Unis (Washington Post)
"For more than half a century, Cuba played an outsize role in America’s political psyche. Even when his country ceased to be much of a policy concern — long after the memories of threatened nuclear attack and Third World adventurism had faded — Fidel Castro remained the nettlesome, living symbol of how a small island had thumbed its nose at the United States and survived.
But official enmity began to fade nearly a decade ago, when the United States elected a president who wasn’t even born at the time of the Cuban revolution, in the same year that ill health forced the aging revolutionary leader to formally resign from office.
Today, many Americans see Cuba as little more than a nearby tropical vacation spot. The latest U.S. president-elect, for whom the island rated barely a campaign mention, initially had little to say when the end of an era was announced early Saturday morning in Havana."
Mort de Fidel Castro et réjouissances des exilés à Miami
"Chanting “Free Cuba! Down with tyranny!” hundreds of people took to the streets of Little Havana on Saturday to celebrate the death of a man whose brutal dictatorship drove them or their parents from their native Cuba.
Fidel Castro was old and in failing health, but he was also a tyrant who prohibited free speech, jailed or killed political opponents and even abolished Christmas as a national holiday. So when his death was announced late Friday, those who fled Cuba for a better life in the United States saw cause for jubilation.
“It brought tears to my eyes,” said Jonathan Gomez, 39, a delivery driver who came from Cuba to Miami in the 1980 mass emigration known as the Mariel boatlift. “This would have been the happiest day of my dad’s life.”"
vendredi 25 novembre 2016
Chronique dans "Québec aujourd'hui" sur les ondes de BLVD 102,1: Trump, les médias et les nominations
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