samedi 31 octobre 2015
vendredi 30 octobre 2015
jeudi 29 octobre 2015
Caricature Jeb Bush, "stuff happens"
Engleheart réfère ici à la déclaration maladroite de Jeb Bush après la récente tuerie en Orégon.
Caricature mosquée et attentat suicide
Hajjaj réfère à l'attentat dans une mosquée du sud de l'Arabie saoudite. L'attentat a été revendiqué par l'EI.
Chronique à "Québec aujourd'hui" sur les ondes de BLVD 102,1: Débat républicain, nomination de Paul Ryan et guerre du Vietnam!
Caricature mort "heureuse"?
Comme bien d'autres caricaturistes John Cole illustre à sa manière une réaction à la publication en début de semaine d'une étude qui met en lumière les dangers d'une consommation excessive de certaines viandes, particulièrement les viandes transformées.
Candidats républicains pour 2016: lesquels sont en danger?
"According to a number of our political thinkers, several candidates blew it badly enough that they ought to stop delaying the inevitable and drop out. Our experts’ picks, and the rationales behind those selections, are collected below."
Bonne lecture!
Jeb Bush se relèvera-t-il?
"Jeb Bush needed a big debate performance more than anyone on the stage. Instead, he faded away, and his campaign isn’t even bothering to argue otherwise.
Banging on the CNBC production team’s door halfway through the debate, campaign manager Danny Diaz reamed the debate host over how little time Bush was getting. In the end, the one-time front-runner scored less than seven minutes, worse than almost every other candidate.%% When the debate ended, Diaz and campaign advisor Michael Steel faced relentless questioning in the spin room about how long Bush would remain in the race.
“I think we’re in for the long haul and we’re in to win, but I appreciate the question,” Diaz said to a reporter asking if Bush would still be in the race by the Iowa caucuses on Feb. 1.
But one week after seeing payroll slashed and consultants fired, some Bush staff wondered what the next round of recriminations would be – and if a blame game was about to begin. Many of Bush’s top donors found their already thin confidence further shaken."
mercredi 28 octobre 2015
Chronique à "Radio-Canada cet après-midi": débat républicain, confrontation en Mer de Chine et syndicalisme aux États-Unis
mardi 27 octobre 2015
Caricature Bacon et grande faucheuse
La publication hier des résultats d'une étude qui établit un lien entre la consommation de certaines viandes, particulièrement les viandes transformées, a suscité beaucoup de réactions dans la population et chez les caricaturistes.
Caricature hot-dog et cancer
La publication hier des résultats d'une étude qui établit un lien entre la consommation de certaines viandes, particulièrement les viandes transformées, a suscité beaucoup de réactions dans la population et chez les caricaturistes.
Caricature Donald Trump et les dictateurs: un monde meilleur...
Toujours spectaculaire mais maladroit, "The Donald" affirmait il y a peu que le monde irait mieux avec des Kadhafi et des Hussein toujours en poste. Drôle de façon de dire qu'avec ces dictateurs nous savions au moins à quoi nous en tenir.
lundi 26 octobre 2015
Chronique à "Radio-Canada cet après-midi": la "napalm girl" 43 ans plus tard, conduire en état de négritude et topo sur la campagne américaine
Caricature Halloween et Hillary: pas de friandises pour les républicains
Koterba identifie clairement le républicain Trey Gowdy. Ce dernier préside les audiences de la Chambre qui tentent de faire la lumière sur l'attaque de Benghazi. Plusieurs s'interrogent sur le véritable objectif de ces audiences et Hillary Clinton a très bien répondu aux questions lors de son récent passage au Congrès. Pas de "cadeaux" ou de "bonbons" pour ses adversaires dans le contenu de ses réponses.
Donald Trump et l'exemple de la "Trail of tears"
"There are some obvious differences between undocumented immigrants today and native peoples in the early 1830s. For one, American Indians had been living in what is now the United States since “time immemorial,” as many people observed in the era, whereas undocumented immigrants are recent arrivals.
But there are many similarities too. Just as Indians were a reviled minority, so too undocumented immigrants are victims of vicious racism. Just as Indians occupied a legal netherworld—neither fully sovereign nor accorded the rights of U.S. citizens—so too undocumented immigrants find themselves living in similarly nebulous conditions, subject to unchecked administrative rulings and often left in jail without judicial recourse. Just as state governments passed laws to drive Indians off their lands, so have they done with undocumented immigrants. (Alas, my home state of Georgia led the way in both the 1820s and the 2010s.)
Jeb Bush en famille: implication du père et du frère
"This closed-door summit for Jeb Bush’s richest donors was meant to be a pep rally, a reunion for loyalists eager to celebrate the family legacy with two former presidents.
But as George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush draw supporters together under gray skies and unrelenting rains, the gathering has become a rescue operation for a candidate who looks unable to meet the expectations of the family brand.
“The patient is either in intensive care and in need of some good doctors who can save him or being put into hospice and we’re going to see a slow death," said one K Street lobbyist supporting Bush.
Indeed, the man who, it was expected, would be leading the Republican field by a mile, who raised astounding sums in his first months as a candidate, is now on life support, according to people inside the two-day meeting. With the campaign gasping for air, slashing costs and narrowing a national strategy to a New Hampshire approach, investor confidence is cracking.
Napalm Girl: Kim Phuc soignée 43 ans plus tard à Miami
"Upon arrival in Miami, Phuc told the AP, “So many years I thought I have no more scars, no more pain when I’m in heaven. But now — heaven on earth for me!”
Despite spending years doing exercises to preserve her mobility, simple tasks — like extending her left arm or carrying her purse on her left side — remain difficult. While Phuc loved to climb trees “like a monkey” and toss guava fruits down to her friends as a child, she was never so agile again after getting burned.
Waibel, who is offering the treatments free of charge, expects Phuc will need up to seven sessions over the next eight or nine months, the AP reports. The lasers being used were originally created to smooth out eye wrinkles, heating the skin to the boiling point to vaporize scar tissue."
dimanche 25 octobre 2015
Science et religion: compatibles? Enquête du Pew Research Center
"People’s sense that there generally is a conflict between religion and science seems to have less to do with their own religious beliefs than it does with their perceptions of other people’s beliefs. Less than one-third of Americans polled in the new survey (30%) say their personal religious beliefs conflict with science, while fully two-thirds (68%) say there is no conflict between their own beliefs and science.
Least Religiously Observant Are Most Likely to Say Science and Religion Are Often in ConflictMoreover, the view that science and religion are often in conflict is particularly common among Americans who are, themselves, not very religiously observant (as measured by frequency of attendance at worship services). Some 73% of adults who seldom or never attend religious services say science and religion are often in conflict. By contrast, among more religiously observant Americans – those who report that they attend religious services on a weekly basis – exactly half (50%) share the view that science and religion frequently conflict."
Charlie Hebdo et les défis de la relance dans le New York Times
"Perhaps more troubling, the solidarity that once bound Charlie Hebdo’s close-knit staff has cracked under the trauma of the attacks and discord over how to divide the publication’s newfound wealth. A surge in subscriptions and newsstand sales from supporters has brought millions to the newspaper’s coffers but has also led to bitter internal squabbling over how — and how much — money should be reinvested in the paper and distributed to the families of the victims.
“It was a bit of a double punishment,” Mr. Sourisseau, a soft-spoken former railway worker, said of the upheavals that have shaken Charlie Hebdo in recent months. “When I left the hospital, I thought naïvely that we would all go back to working together as before. I had no idea that there would be so much chaos.”
While Mr. Sourisseau, who now owns 65 percent of Charlie Hebdo, has worked to contain the tumult, emotions continue to run high among staff members. Some have publicly called for him and the newspaper’s other shareholder, the financial director, Éric Portheault, to renounce their right to future gains from their holdings and to transform Charlie Hebdo — which has always been owned by a handful of employees — into a kind of nonprofit cooperative. Others have chosen to leave the paper, saying that carrying on in the absence of their fallen friends had become too difficult."®ion=top-stories-below&WT.nav=top-stories-below
Conduire en état de négritude...
"As most of America now knows, those pervasive doubts about the police mirror those of millions of other African-Americans. More than a year of turmoil over the deaths of unarmed blacks after encounters with the police in Ferguson, Mo., in Baltimore and elsewhere has sparked a national debate over how much racial bias skews law enforcement behavior, even subconsciously.
Documenting racial profiling in police work is devilishly difficult, because a multitude of factors — including elevated violent crime rates in many black neighborhoods — makes it hard to tease out evidence of bias from other influences. But an analysis by The New York Times of tens of thousands of traffic stops and years of arrest data in this racially mixed city of 280,000 uncovered wide racial differences in measure after measure of police conduct."
Un peu plus loi:
"And more than four times as many blacks as whites are arrested on the sole charge of resisting, obstructing or delaying an officer, an offense so borderline that some North Carolina police chiefs discourage its use unless more serious crimes are also involved."®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
Caricature drones et recensement: vraiment?
Oui, on procédera à l'enregistrement des drones civils aux États-Unis. On intervient donc rapidement pour forcer les propriétaires à immatriculer leur drone. On développera également des armes anti-drones et on développe une "task force" de 25 à 30 représentants de l'industrie du drone et de l'aviation. On devrait éventuellement emboîter le pas en Europe. Et que fait-on pour les armes au même moment?
samedi 24 octobre 2015
Hillary Clinton et les audiences de Benghazi: un passage fructueux
"When Clinton has stumbled, it usually has been over her own feet and at moments when the tide has seemed to be going her way. Those are the times when her impulses toward insularity and guardedness overwhelm her more appealing traits of discipline and toughness.
“She generally has been better with her back to the wall than when she is comfortably ahead,” said David Axelrod, who was Barack Obama’s chief political strategist for both of his presidential campaigns, including his hard-fought battle with Clinton in the 2008 Democratic primary race.
The challenge for Clinton now, Axelrod said, “is to keep that rigor and not settle back into the posture of cautious, calculating front-runner.”
Whether she can do that may begin to become clear here in Des Moines on Saturday night, at the Iowa Democratic Party’s Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, an event known as an early test of candidates’ messages and organization."
vendredi 23 octobre 2015
Lincoln Chafee abandonne la course à son tour
"Chafee, who never gained any traction in national or early-state polling, leaves the race just two days after Vice President Joe Biden opted against a run, and three days after former Virginia senator Jim Webb ended his own bid. It also came just hours after Hillary Clinton, the party’s front-runner, survived a marathon Capitol Hill testimony session on Benghazi.
“We all know that the Republican agenda sets back women’s rights and I pledge all my energy towards a big 2016 victory for Democrats across the country,” he told the DNC’s women’s leadership forum — at which his name was mispronounced as he got on stage as a candidate for the last time.
Immediately after announcing the end of his campaign, Chafee pivoted to the importance of women."
jeudi 22 octobre 2015
Caricature Justin Trudeau bat Stephen Harper
On a fait beaucoup allusion au combat de boxe auquel Justin Trudeau avait participé en mars 2012 (il était opposé au sénateur Brazeau, largement favori). C'est autour du caricaturiste Hachfeld présenter sa version. La boxe frappe l'imaginaire à l'étranger tout comme la jeunesse et l'apparence du nouveau Premier Ministre. On parle de plus en plus de "Trudeau-mania". Je crois qu'on se laisse emporter par la différence de style entre l'ancien PM conservateur et le jeune chef libéral.
Chronique à "Québec aujourd'hui" au 102,1: candidature de Joe Biden et division chez les républicains
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