jeudi 5 février 2015

Brian Williams pas si loin de la vérité?

Nouveau rebondissement dans cette histoire de mensonge du présentateur du réseau NBC Brian Williams. Le pilote de l'appareil qui le transportait affirme que lui et ses passagers ont bel et bien essuyé des tirs ennemis. Williams a probablement amplifié l'histoire, mais ce n'est pas totalement le fruit de son imagination.

 "But Krell appeared to back up at least some of what Williams has said during repeated tellings of the story over the past decade, even if the anchor did get some things wrong. The most striking thing that Krell said was that the military helicopter Williams was riding in did in fact come under enemy fire, though it was not from an RPG.

"Some of things he's said are not true. But some of the things they're saying against him are not true either," Krell told CNN.%% Their helicopter was second in a formation of three aircraft carrying bridge parts, according to Krell. The first helicopter was hit with the RPG attack, which Williams likely did not witness from his seat in the back of the chopper.

All three of the helicopters were hit by small arms fire, however, according to Krell."

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