jeudi 26 février 2015

Terroristes arrêtés à Brooklyn

La carte qui montre la provenance des combattants étrangers de l'État islamique a été réalisé pour le Washington Post (Gene Thorp and Swati Sharma)

 Depuis un certain temps déjà on fait état de ces nombreux individus qui cherchent à joindre les rangs de l'État islamique ou qui affichent leur sympathie pour le regroupement terroriste. Cette fois on en a retrouvé à New York.

 All three were immigrants from former Soviet republics, and though Mr. Juraboev and Mr. Saidakhmetov had become permanent United States residents, all of them remained citizens of their native countries, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

In online postings, the two younger men seem to be searching for meaning in their lives, and increasingly disillusioned by those around them — including Muslim relatives they see as living less than devout lives.

The case against the three men relies in part on a confidential informant paid by the government, court documents show. Defense lawyers have criticized the government’s use of informers in similar cases, saying they may lure targets into making extreme plans or statements And in some cases, the threat has turned out to be overstated.

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