jeudi 12 février 2015

C.I.A. et profils psychologiques des leaders du monde: une longue histoire

On apprenait la semaine dernière que la C.I.A. avait tenté d'établir le profil psychologique de Vladimir Poutine et que certains de ses chercheurs en étaient arrivés à la conclusion qu'il était autiste. Ce n'était pas la première fois que l'agence de renseignements établissait ce type de profil. Cet article de Mother Jones présente ici les conclusions de quelques rapports sur des personnages célèbres. Vous ne serez pas étonnés de lire qu'Adolf Hitler était masochiste, mais que pensait-on de Castro, Aristide, Hussein et quelques autres?

 Un exemple:

"The CIA profiled the Soviet premier in advance of his 1961 meeting with President John F. Kennedy in Vienna. Reading up on his adversary got JFK hooked on CIA personality profiles—particularly "salacious secrets about foreign leaders," according to historian Michael Beschloss. The Soviets also profiled Kennedy for Khrushchev, describing him as a "typical pragmatist" whose "'liberalism' is rather relative."

 Findings: The CIA portrayed Khrushchev as "a crude peasant who liked to be unpredictable and two-faced," Gunter Bischof and Martin Kofler wrote in a book on the summit. The dossier described him as:

An uninhibited ham actor, who sometimes illustrates his points with the crudest sort of barnyard humor, Khrushchev is endowed on occasion with considerable personal dignity. He has a truly unusual ability to project the force of his own powerful personality…

[H]e is immoderately sensitive to slights—real or imagined, direct or inferred—to himself, his political faith, or his nation, all of which he views more or less interchangeably…

Capable of extraordinary frankness, and in his own eyes no doubt unusually honest, Khrushchev can also on occasion be a gambler and a dissembler expert in calculated bluffing. It is often hard to distinguish when Khruschev is in his own eyes voicing real conviction and when he is dissembling…

It is also difficult with Khrushchev to tell whether his anger is real or feigned…He is less able to conceal his formidable temper when he is tired…

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