jeudi 5 février 2015

Commission Warren et assassinat de JFK: la commission n'avait pas toute l'information. La C.I.A. impliquée une fois de plus.

Combien de thèses de complot ont été développées depuis l'assassinat du président Kennedy? Difficile de faire le décompte, mais le rapport de la commission Warren est sans l'un des rapports qui a soulevé le plus de doutes dans l'histoire américaine. Cette fois c'est David Slawson, un avocat qui a contribué aux travaux de cette commission, qui prend la parole. Selon lui, la C.I.A. et Robert Kennedy, le frère du président, ont dissimulé de l'information.

 "Slawson is not describing the sort of elaborate, far-fetched assassination plot that most conspiracy theorists like to claim occurred, with a roster of suspects including the Mafia, Texas oilmen, anti-Castro Cuban exiles, southern segregationists, elements of the CIA and FBI, and even President Johnson. Slawson did not believe in 1964, and does not believe now, that Fidel Castro or the leaders of the Soviet Union or of any other foreign government were involved in the president’s murder. And he is certain that Oswald was the only gunman in Dealey Plaza.

What Slawson does suspect is that Oswald, during a long-mysterious trip to Mexico City only weeks before the assassination, encountered Cuban diplomats and Mexican civilians who were supporters of Castro’s revolution and who urged Oswald to kill the American president if he had the chance. “I think it’s very likely that people in Mexico encouraged him to do this,” Slawson told me. “And if they later came to the United States, they could have been prosecuted under American law as accessories” in the conspiracy."

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