mercredi 11 février 2015

Brian Willims doit démissionner (Washington Post)

Si je devais écrire un article sur le sujet, je crois qu'il pourrait ressembler à celui-ci. On a droit à l'erreur, mais il y aurait plus qu'une erreur pour Williams et quelle crédibilité aurait-il pour commenter ou analyser une histoire comme la sienne? C'est un peu ce à quoi je pensais hier en me demandant si une suspension de six mois serait suffisante pour contribuer à rétablir sa réputation...

 "To the extent that the job is more than merely reading words off a teleprompter, it is to be the institutional voice of trust and reason, reassuring in a crisis, the ultimate reliable narrator. When issues of trustworthiness become a distraction, the anchor loses his credibility, and therefore his perch.

Some discussion of Williams’s fate has involved his central role at NBC and whether the network could “afford” to lose its most recognizable franchise. This is the network version of “too big to fail” — that Williams is too important to can. I see it the opposite way: Williams’s elevated status subjects him to a higher standard of behavior, and more rigorous consequences. The face of NBC News cannot afford to be so scarred."

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