lundi 23 février 2015

Obama utilise peu le véto présidentiel jusqu'à maintenant

Petit article intéressant qui fait ressortir le fait que Barack Obama est un des présidents qui a le moins utilisé son droit de véto dans l'histoire. Le texte a été écrit en octobre 2014, mais je trouvais que c'était un bel ajout à mon entrée précédente.

 "The prospect of future veto fights highlights an extraordinary fact: Obama has issued fewer vetoes than any president in modern (and even not-so-modern) American history. He has vetoed a grand total of two bills: the Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act of 2010, which had to do with home foreclosures, and a continuing resolution that had been rendered moot by another spending bill that had passed. No dramatic veto showdowns, and no public navel-gazing (as with George W. Bush's first veto, of a bill providing for embryonic stem-cell research).

In fact, if we exclude James Garfield, who served only a few months before being assassinated, you have to go over a century and a half back to Millard Fillmore to find a president who vetoed fewer bills than Obama. Among two-term presidents, only Jefferson (with zero vetoes) and Washington (with 2) issued as few as Obama has at this point."

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