mercredi 18 novembre 2015

Ben Carson et la géographie...

Oui, c'est un peu facile de jouer sur certaines erreurs et de les exagérer, mais elles semblent se multiplier dans la campagne de Ben Carson. Non seulement le candidat a -t-il échappé quelques énormités, mais son équipe est aussi responsable de certaines gaffes. Dans ce cas-ci on parle quand même de connaissances de base sur la géographie des États-Unis. Peut-on imaginer ce que ça donnerait à l'échelle internationale? Cette dernière bêtise survient après une étonnante révélation d'un conseiller de Carson qui mentionnait avoir tenté d'inculquer sans succès quelques rudiments de politique étrangère à son candidat...

 "As you can see, in Carson's map the states of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine are moved northeast by about 150 miles or so. Vermont and New York now have hundreds of miles of new beachfront property. Massachusetts shares a border with Canada. Maine straddles what is now the Gulf of Saint Lawrence.

Also, if you look closely at the mid-Atlantic area, you'll see that Virginia's portion of the Delmarva Peninsula is colored red to match Maryland, rather than gray with the rest of Virginia.

This is probably little more than a simple mishap by a graphic designer who's having a Really Bad Day. (The campaign did not respond to a request for comment.) But Carson's campaign has plenty of company when it comes to geography troubles. A study last year found that a majority of Americans couldn't place Ukraine on a map, for instance. And many of them were way, way off. Then there was the time CNN placed Hong Kong in Brazil during a newscast. Vox recently collected "27 hilariously bad maps that explain nothing."

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