lundi 23 novembre 2015

Trump et la "tentation fasciste"

Les historiens n'utilisent jamais les références à Hitler à la légère, mais il est difficile d'éviter le sujet dans le contexte actuel. Lorsque je les interroge sur la définition de l'histoire (ou son rôle), mes étudiants me répondent souvent qu'on peut tirer des leçons du passé. Je leur dis alors que ce n'est pas souvent le cas... Je ne croyais pas avoir un jour à comparer un politicien occidental contemporain avec le régime fasciste de l'Allemagne avant la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale.

 "Today, Republicans and neocons like to invoke the Nazis when discussing Islamic extremism, yet, as the past week has illustrated, these same politicians are the ones who most resemble their fascist forefathers. In July, I wrote about the worrisome parallels between Trump’s rhetoric and that of fascism, and what it says about the modern Republican party. The likeness has become even more disturbing after the terrorist attacks in Paris. Trump has always had the strong man attitude of a fascist. As Benito Mussolini used to brag about making the trains run on time, Trump has more or less ran a campaign on promises about how he will single handedly (with an iron fist?) make America great again and stop losing to China and Mexico and Iran and any foreigners that dare get the upper hand on The Donald.

The racism and nativism of the Trump campaign (and his competition) is even more disquieting. His anti-Mexican rhetoric has been a cornerstone of his campaign, and now, after the Paris attacks and with the Syrian refugee crisis, anti-Muslim rhetoric has taken hold. His affirmative response to a reporter asking whether he would implement a database tracking Muslims (which he has since attempted to backtrack after the horrified reaction) was terrifying, as if Trump was concerned about being out-Trumped by his competition. “There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases,” said Trump, “We should have a lot of systems.” When asked about how a Muslim database would be different from requiring Jews to register in Nazi Germany, he replied, “You tell me,” while explaining how he would make this all happen as president: “It’s all about management” (Thats what got the trains running on time, after all)."

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