mardi 17 novembre 2015

Des gouverneurs américains veulent fermer la porte aux réfugiés

J'en parlais brièvement hier sur les ondes de BLVD 102,1. S'ils n'étaient qu'une poignée à vouloir fermer la porte dimanche soir et hier matin, ils sont maintenant vingt-cinq (il y a cinquante états au total) à favoriser cette option. Un débat sur la question de l'accueil qui ressemble à celui que nous avons présentement au Canada.

 "The governors’ legal standing was quickly challenged by immigration groups and some Democrats, and Mr. Obama said the resettlement of refugees would go forward next year. The State Department said it had not reached a conclusion about whether states could legally refuse them.

Mr. Obama, in remarks to reporters at the G-20 summit meeting in Turkey, said the United States had a moral obligation to accept refugees, as European nations have done, and he criticized Republican candidates like Senator Ted Cruz and former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida who have said the United States should focus on protecting Christians fleeing warfare and persecution, as opposed to Muslims.

“We do not have religious tests for our compassion,” Mr. Obama said. “That’s not who we are.”

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