vendredi 20 novembre 2015

Obama "Keep calm and carry on": gère-t-il bien les inquiétudes liées à l'accueil des réfugiés syriens?


Trop "calme" une fois de plus le Président américain? Ne devrait-il pas utiliser ses habiletés de communicateur pour rassurer ses concitoyens?

 "The president’s steadfastness — some call it stubbornness — reflects the lessons he took from the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, a period in which he has said the country fell into a “season of fear” that led its leaders to betray core American values. His determination not to let the battle against the Islamic State dominate the last year of his presidency also reflects a widely shared belief in the White House that the fight against terrorism amounts to something of a zero-sum game.

The more time, energy and resources that Obama spends focusing on the terror threat and the chaos in the Middle East, the thinking goes, the harder it will be for him to make progress on issues that are critical to the country remaining the world’s strongest power in the decades to come."

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