jeudi 26 novembre 2015

Premières Nations et éducation: un échec américain

Parfois on investit des sommes importantes, mais on les gère mal... Une gestion désastreuse, un problème persistant et des solutions dont on débat toujours.

 “Frankly, we spend an enormous amount per student relative to other school systems for terrible results,” Cecilia Muñoz, director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, said.

A year ago, Obama decided to finally tackle the problem, a decision he pushed his team to make after an emotional visit to a Sioux reservation in the Dakotas. He told his Cabinet to “establish a pathway that leads to change” and that he would hold them accountable. His Interior Department has proposed a sweeping plan to allow more tribal control over the schools and rework the Bureau of Indian Education into a streamlined, modern school system — preferably before the end of Obama's term. But resistance, both within the agency and on the reservations, is high. Critics say the changes are rushed and poorly communicated. They warn that paring back the federal government’s role will only make it easier to under-invest in schools that, by almost any measure, need money and resources the most.

When all the Washington fighting is over, it’s possible, those critics say, that some of the worst schools in America will get even worse."

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