jeudi 1 mars 2018

L'ambassadrice américaine au Mexique se retire

Décidément il y a beaucoup de départs dans l'entourage de Donald Trump. Le départ de Roberta Jackson est perçu comme un reflet de la difficulté à composer avec l'approche de l'administration Trump en politique étrangère.

 "Jacobson is highly regarded in Mexico and in U.S. diplomatic circles. She has been a career Civil Service officer, which made her road to an ambassadorship rather unusual. Such posts, when not given to outside political hires as a perk of supporting a presidential campaign, typically go to career Foreign Service officers.

Still, under Trump, the State Department has at times been marginalized in discussions involving Mexico, with Mexican leaders preferring to deal with the White House directly. Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law and adviser, has been especially involved in the U.S.-Mexico portfolio.

Mexico is considered a very important ambassadorship because the country is one of America's largest trading partners. Because of Trump's particularly nasty relationship with the Mexican leadership, confirmation hearings for an incoming U.S. ambassador to Mexico could be very contentious."

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