lundi 21 janvier 2019

Kamala Harris 2020: vérité, justice et décence

C'est officiel, Kamala Harris est sur les rangs pour la campagne 2020. Une candidature attendue et une candidature souhaitée par bien des membres du parti. Elle est déjà la septième a annoncé sa candidature et elle aura fort à faire pour se démarquer. Elle a l'expérience et les compétences pour se lancer, mais que peut-elle offrir de différent? Pour l'instant elle tente de satisfaire à la fois les partisans déçus de Bernie Sanders et ceux qui appuyaient Hillary.

 "The something-for-everyone approach is designed to position her as a potential voice for progressives and moderates, from millennial women who supported Bernie Sanders to Democrats who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016.

She also will try to claim the mantle as an avatar of honesty at a time when many Democrats want reconciliation and healing. She addresses society’s biggest challenges with an opening watchword derived from her legal training: To tackle the issues, Harris argues, people need to first hear the truth —about everything from racism and sexism to the fact that the vast majority of Americans descend from people who weren’t born here.

But embracing her prosecutorial brand and ethos is not without risk in the modern Democratic Party. Some criminal justice advocates, based on early dissections of her record, view her as overly cautious amid calls to reform the system. They argue that she aligned herself too closely with law enforcement during her political ascent – when they wanted her to be more of an activist while holding the powerful positions."

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