mardi 15 janvier 2019

Kirsten Gillibrand candidate pour 2020

Nous en sommes déjà à la sixième candidature pour les primaires démocrates de 2020, mais l'entrée en scène de Mme Gillibrand démontre que plusieurs gros noms ont décidé de tenter le coup maintenant après avoir laissé le chemin libre à Hillary Clinton en 2016. Kirsten Gillibrand est justement celle qui avait remplacé Mme Clinton au sénat lorsqu'elle est devenue la secrétaire d'état de Barack Obama. La sénatrice Gillibrand est une conservatrice au plan économique, mais une progressiste pour les enjeux sociaux.

 "Gillibrand, who was elected for her second full term in the Senate in 2018, rose to national prominence in recent years as a forceful proponent of the #MeToo movement and fierce critic of President Donald Trump. People close to Gillibrand have indicated the senator will run a campaign centered on gender issues, something she has championed in the House and Senate.

In her interview with Colbert, Gillibrand added, "You are never going to accomplish any of these things if you don't take on the systems of power that make all of that impossible, which is taking on institutional racism, it is taking on the corruption and greed in Washington, taking on the special interests that write legislation in the dead of night. And I know that I have the compassion, the courage and the fearless determination to get that done."

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