dimanche 20 janvier 2019

Que se passe-t-il avec Alan Dershowitz?

Dans une précédente entrée je référais au professeur Alan Dershowitz en lien avec le traitement médiatique réservé à Donald ainsi qu'à l'argumentaire du professeur de Harvard contre un recours à la procédure de destitution. Ses positions actuelles divisent, d'un côté on se demande comment il en est venu à défendre Donald Trump alors que de l'autre on dit que Dershowitz est tout simplement conséquent avec les principes qu'il défend depuis le début de sa carrière. Je me suis souvenu de cet article de mai 2018 sur le site de POLITICO dans lequel on nous offrait un bon survol de l'évolution du célèbre professeur de droit.

 "Over this storied career, Dershowitz’s public persona has remained more or less unchanged: loud, provocative, brilliant and principled, if also relentlessly self-promoting. And, until recently, his positions have been tolerated, if not always embraced, by the legal academy and universally acknowledged for their moral seriousness.

About a year ago, after Mueller’s appointment on May 17, that started to change. Around then, Dershowitz—never one to overlook a celebrity being railroaded—started getting more TV airtime for his argument that a sitting president could not be guilty of obstruction of justice. The liberal intelligentsia recoiled. Dershowitz speaks openly of having been shunned by friends and condemned by relatives since then—even, he told me, at his family’s recent Passover Seder, where his grandson and nephew urged him to dial down his public defense of the president. He’s been harshly critiqued by former Harvard colleagues and within the small, tightly entwined community of civil libertarians. In late March, when legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin confronted him directly on Anderson Cooper 360—“I don’t know what’s going on with you … this is not who you used to be”—it felt like a moment of collective catharsis for liberals who see Trump as a threat to democracy."


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