mercredi 23 janvier 2019

Michael Cohen reporte son témoignage devant le congrès

Le témoignage de l'avocat de Donald Trump était très attendu, mais ses avocats lui ont conseillé de reporter l'exercice pour protéger sa famille des menaces proférées par Donald Trump et Rudy Giuliani. Pour l'instant nous ignorons de quelles menaces il pourrait s'agir.

 "Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former personal lawyer, will not testify before Congress next month, one of his attorneys said Wednesday — quashing at least temporarily the hopes of liberals for a public hearing in which Trump’s ex-fixer aired the president’s dirty laundry.

 Lanny J. Davis, an attorney for Cohen said in a statement, “Due to ongoing threats against his family from President Trump and Mr. [Rudolph] Giuliani, as recently as this weekend, as well as Mr. Cohen’s continued cooperation with ongoing investigations, by advice of counsel, Mr. Cohen’s appearance will be postponed to a later date.” Cohen had been scheduled to appear before the House Oversight Committee on February 7."

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