dimanche 27 janvier 2019

Howard Schultz, ancien PDG de Starbucks, candidat indépendant en 2020?

Howard Schultz songerait à se présenter comme indépendant pour la présidentielle 2020. Pour ceux et celles qui rêvent de chasser Donald Trump de manière démocratique, cette nouvelle n'est pas particulièrement appréciée. Une candidature indépendante crédible contribuerait à diviser le vote et considérant ce que nous connaissons de Schultz, les Démocrates seraient les grands perdants. Malgré es réserves, les deux auteurs de cet article dans le Washington Post' Nick Troiano et Charles Wheelan, souhaitent la venue de l'ancien PDG de Starbucks et leurs arguments méritent réflexion.

 "First, he must make it clear from the outset that he is running to win. He could, for example, commit to exiting the race if he does not have a clear path to victory following the third presidential debate in October 2020. This would give a broad swath of the electorate permission to support him without fearing a result they did not intend.

Second, both of the traditional parties must nominate candidates that a sufficient number of voters view as unacceptable. A Trump vs. Elizabeth Warren race opens a much wider lane in the middle for Schultz than would a Vice President Pence vs. Joe Biden race.

Third, rather than assume independent voters can be corralled into a cohesive political base (they cannot), Schultz must create a new political identity and a following of his own. It must transcend both parties to galvanize the two-thirds of Americans in the “exhausted majority," as the Hidden Tribes of America project named the group of voters desire to move past what Schultz describes as “revenge politics” and instead find common ground."


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