mercredi 16 janvier 2019

La mort de soldats américains en Syrie complique le retrait

L'État islamique a revendiqué l'explosion d'une bombe qui a entraîné la mort de quatre soldats américains en plus d'en blesser trois autres. Si l'administration Trump a manifesté le désir d'aller de l'avant avec le retrait, la colère gronde chez de nombreux politiciens opposés à cette stratégie.

" Democrats were quick to pounce on the attack as evidence that Trump's talk of withdrawing the 2,000 U.S. troops stationed in northern and eastern Syria — on an unspecified timeline — is reckless.

"The fight against ISIS is clearly not over," Sen. Bob Menendez, the top Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee, said in a statement, calling the attack "a stark reminder that the Trump Administration needs a clearly developed and articulated strategy to secure the gains we have made in the fight against terror."

 "This administration’s distortion of reality is dangerous," declared a statement from the Democratic National Committee. "Despite being told by military leaders on the ground in Syria that ISIS was not entirely defeated, Trump and his administration continues to lie to the American people."

 At least one Republican also sounded a note of criticism. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who has been a critic of Trump's Syria withdrawal plan, suggested during a Wednesday Senate hearing that Trump's talk had emboldened ISIS.

"My concern, by the statements made by President Trump, is that you set in motion enthusiasm by the enemy we're fighting," Graham said. "I hope the president will look long and hard at what we’re doing in Syria."

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