mercredi 21 septembre 2011

Ralph Nader: il a fait assez de dégâts (Donna Brazile)

Ralph Nader est cet ancien champion de la défense des consommateurs qui s'est présenté comme candidat à la Présidence sous diverses bannières. Les démocrates le tiennent pour responsable de la défait d'Al Gore contre George W. Bush en 2000. On se souviendra que Gore avait obtenu plus de votes que Bush au plan national, mais moins de grands électeurs. Il souhaitait récemment qu'on oppose un autre candidat démocrate à l'Actuel Président. Donna Brazile, une démocrate qui analyse la politique pour CNN, considère que c'est une très mauvaise idée.

"Ralph Nader floated the idea this week that a primary challenge to President Obama will help the president and the country.
He is flat-out wrong. His views are based on a faulty premise and a myth. We will start with the faulty premise and get to the myth later.
Remember back to 2000, when Nader himself ran as a third-party candidate? He's not proposing that here -- at least not yet -- but it's important to remember what happens when Nader gets involved in challenging a Democrat. In 2000, he siphoned enough votes from Al Gore in Florida to swing the election to President Bush. It gave us eight years of Bush-Cheney politics and policies.

f Nader were being honest with himself, he'd look to 2000 as an example of what the consequences can be for the country and progressive causes when progressives don't stick together.
A primary challenge could further divide the party and possibly dampen Democratic enthusiasm. These races could erode our ability to reach swing voters, who are crucial to electoral viability, by forcing candidates to draw a sharper contrast on issues than necessary to win an election. On most issues, Nader agrees with the Democrats more than the Republicans.
By running as an independent and drawing votes in Florida that might otherwise have gone to Gore, Nader helped usher in eight of the worst years our country has ever seen. Bush ignored or trampled on Nader's major concerns.
Look at the record: Bush took President Clinton's budget surplus and squandered it. He used part of the surplus to offset the costs of his tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. He used the rest to begin funding an elective war in Iraq."

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