lundi 3 octobre 2011

Chris Christie: le passé du "nouveau sauveur"

Un passage obligé et... Délicat! Je ne cesse de m'étonner qu'on ne trouve rien sur Obama depuis ses débuts en politique. Aucun scandale qui tienne, aucune aventure... Le premier Président noir serait-il... Blanc comme neige?

"Chris Christie didn’t become governor of New Jersey the easy way. He first had to overcome a gauntlet of scandals in which he was accused of crony capitalism, big spending, and using his government title to get himself out of legal trouble. These stories may be yesterday’s news in New Jersey, but should Christie run for president, he’ll have to fight his old battles all over again on the national stage.

One of the most persistent stories that dogged Christie in his 2009 campaign was his unusual financial relationship with a top aide at his federal prosecutor office, Michele Brown. Christie lent Brown some $46,000, which he says was to help a family friend through a rough patch. But critics argued that the move was an improper conflict of interest heading into a gubernatorial campaign since Brown was in a position to help Christie in a variety of ways. Her job included handling FOIA requests, including those from Governor Corzine’s campaign, for example. And in one instance, she argued to colleagues in favor of wrapping up a major corruption probe before July 1, when Christie’s successor took over the US Attorney position, a move that ensured credit for the case would clearly flow to Christie. Brown resigned shortly after news of the loan broke and, according to the New York Times, she paid off Christie’s loan in October 2010."

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