Le quart des Broncos n'a jamais caché ses croyances religieuses, bien au contraire. Assurément il puise son inspiration dans les saintes écritures et la pratique religieuse. Article de Frank Bruni dans le NY Times sur le "phénomène Tebow".
"That’s a question that actually hovers over the miraculous success of the Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow, and at this blessed juncture it’s a silly one, because the answer is unequivocal: Yes. Tebow is powered by conviction and operating on faith, and so are the teammates he’s leading. And you needn’t be an evangelical Christian (as he is), a seriously religious person or even a football fan to be transfixed and enlightened by his example. I speak as a football fan only when I say the following, which I never expected to: The mile-high messiah has a gospel for us all.
You’re most likely familiar with his story, but just in case: the Broncos were 1-4 when the coaches benched the first-string quarterback and started Tebow, and there was a sense that they did so because they’d lost hope for the season and figured that they might as well silence his pesky, persistent advocates by letting him try and watching him fail. Although he had been a superstar at the University of Florida, his physique and style of play weren’t supposed to translate to the pros. That, at least, was the conventional wisdom. And as a lifelong Broncos loyalist with a knot in my stomach, I shared it.
Tebow won his first game, despite a 15-point deficit with three minutes to go. He won all but one of the next six, often in squeaker finishes involving late comebacks. The Broncos are now 7-5 and have a good shot at the playoffs, especially if they knock off the Chicago Bears this weekend. They’re favored to do precisely that, partly because the Bears’ starting quarterback, Jay Cutler, is out with a bum thumb. During a conference call with reporters last week, Tebow was actually asked by a Chicago scribe to pray for the woebegone digit."
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