lundi 16 janvier 2012

Twitter election: Primaires 2012

Impossible d'ignorer les médias sociaux en 2012. Déjà en 2008, l'équipe d'Obama avait brillamment utiliser toutes les possibilités.

"As GOP presidential contenders stump for votes from Iowa to New Hampshire to South Carolina, Google, Facebook and Twitter are in a race of their own — for millions of dollars in political ads.

The tech giants are offering candidates new ways to advertise — Mitt Romney has spots on YouTube and Rick Perry’s Facebook ads target Christian college kids in South Carolina — and hiring political consultants, sponsoring debates and poaching from each other’s ad sales teams to jockey for the top spot in political social media circles.

 “This is the Twitter election,” boasted Peter Greenberger, who Twitter recently lured away from Google, where he started the search giant’s political ad sales team in 2007. “We’ll be a core component.”"

 La suite est très intéressante:

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