lundi 9 décembre 2013

Better call Saul: poursuivre Obama est la nouvelle stratégie américaine...

Si le titre réfère au slogan de l'avocat de la série Breaking bad, la stratégie envisagée ne relève pas de la fiction. Impossible de destituer Obama? Alors on doit multiplier les poursuites légales!

 "In November, Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), a sponsor of 2004's Lawsuit Reduction Act, which was designed to curb the number of frivolous lawsuits, signaled that a large faction of House Republicans would be open to filing a lawsuit to block Obama’s perceived overreach on everything from Obamacare to immigration. "There's no question we should do that...yes…and that’s something that we talked about a lot," he told The Hill."

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