lundi 8 septembre 2014

Obamacare: les résultats sont là.

Les élus républicains ont lutté, et luttent toujours, contre le projet le plus important du président Obama. Une couverture des soins de santé élargie avait été un cheval de bataille du candidat Obama en 2008 et le projet démarré de manière catastrophique l'an dernier atteint plusieurs de ses objectifs.

 "In the courts, an ongoing conservative lawsuit to cripple Obamacare suffered a major setback last week when a federal appeals court vacated a ruling that would have blocked subsidies in 36 states. Legal experts say the full court is likely to uphold the subsidies when a panel with a majority of Democratic-appointed judges re-hears the case.

For Democrats, the dream scenario was that Obamacare would eventually join Social Security and Medicare as an unassailable feature of the American safety net. Like those other major programs, Obamacare won't be without its share of problems — cost uncertainties for automatically-renewed plans among them. But after more than 50 House votes to repeal or dismantle the law, few could have predicted that Republicans would start warming up to central pieces of the law within a year of its rollout."

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