jeudi 25 juin 2015

Obamacare est là pour rester!

Le Président signe une deuxième victoire en deux jours. Dans un premier temps il pourra aller de l'avant avec les négociations du traité de libre-échange avec des pays asiatiques et aujourd'hui la Cour suprême a confirmé la validité de l'Affordable care act, l'Obamacare. Quand viendra le temps des bilans de la présidence Obama, on déjà affirmer que la couverture de soins de santé est la plus grande réalisation de cette administration.

 "The decision for the second time defused a potential conflict between Obama and the Supreme Court over his most prized accomplishment. While there are more challenges to come, an adverse ruling in this case would have been close to a mortal blow to the act that continues to divide the nation and its political conversation.

And the court decided the case in a way that made it less likely a future president could undo the subsidies without the help of Congress.

 The court was interpreting a passage in the law that said the tax credits are authorized for those who buy health insurance on marketplaces that are “established by the state.” Roberts said that while the law’s wording was problematic, Congress’s intent was clear.

“Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them. If at all possible we must interpret the Act in a way that is consistent with the former, and avoids the latter,” Roberts wrote."

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