lundi 26 octobre 2015

Donald Trump et l'exemple de la "Trail of tears"

Un peu plus tôt dans sa campagne Donald Trump a avancé l'idée que s'il était porté au pouvoir il organiserait la déportation des immigrants illégaux (au nombre de 11 millions). Pour bien évaluer les risques d'une telle opération, il pourrait peut-être s'inspirer d'une autre expérience désastreuse, celle de la déportation forcée mieux connue sous le nom de "Piste des larmes".

 "There are some obvious differences between undocumented immigrants today and native peoples in the early 1830s. For one, American Indians had been living in what is now the United States since “time immemorial,” as many people observed in the era, whereas undocumented immigrants are recent arrivals.

But there are many similarities too. Just as Indians were a reviled minority, so too undocumented immigrants are victims of vicious racism. Just as Indians occupied a legal netherworld—neither fully sovereign nor accorded the rights of U.S. citizens—so too undocumented immigrants find themselves living in similarly nebulous conditions, subject to unchecked administrative rulings and often left in jail without judicial recourse. Just as state governments passed laws to drive Indians off their lands, so have they done with undocumented immigrants. (Alas, my home state of Georgia led the way in both the 1820s and the 2010s.)

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