lundi 12 octobre 2015

Obama et l'Afghanistan: parviendra-t-il à ramener les troupes avant son départ?

Le candidat Obama s'était engagé à sortir les États-Unis d'Irak et d'Afghanistan. Ce dernier conflit est le plus long auquel les États-Unis ont participé, mais les soldats américains sont toujours déployés sur le terrain et le temps file. Rapatrier les troupes avant la fin de son second mandat est-il toujours un objectif réaliste pour le Président Obama? Le souhaite-t-il toujours?

 "These were the sorts of questions that Obama hadn’t known to ask in the earliest days of his presidency when he invited Riedel, the former CIA analyst who had been leading his initial 2009 review of Afghanistan and Pakistan policy, to join him on Air Force One for a flight to California.

The two had spent nearly four hours on the plane discussing the need to bolster the struggling Afghan army and press Pakistan to end its support for the Taliban insurgency. Just before the plane landed, Obama had shared a final thought.

“I just don’t want to leave this kind of mess for my successor,” he said.

That Obama had surged more than 50,000 U.S. troops into Afghanistan. This Obama was different — older, more skeptical and more certain of the need to end America’s wars. And yet, he told Dempsey to come back in a few weeks with a more detailed proposal.

The president who had vowed to get out of Afghanistan would now take seriously a plan for staying there."

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