mercredi 21 octobre 2015

Trump inévitable?

Suis-je suffisamment rationnel? Depuis des mois j'affirme que Trump ne remportera pas l'investiture républicaine et qu'il ne sera pas le candidat républicain. Je crois que le parti ne peut se le permettre et qu'il se condamne à une défaite en ne trouvant pas une manière d'exclure "The Donald". Dans cet article on revient sur les résultats d'un sondage dont les résultats forcent une réflexion sur la stabilité de ses appuis.

 "There's the top-line number, of course, which shows Trump with a lead over the rest of the field. Nearly a third of Republican voters pick Trump as their candidate, followed by 22 percent who choose Ben Carson. As we noted last week, those two share a base of support, meaning that if one were to drop out, the other could and probably would pick up much of his support. In other words: Trump has some room to grow.

What's more, his lead has actually been much more stable this year than Mitt Romney's was in the latter half of 2011. Trump has led consistently for more than three months. In the last six months of 2011, Romney led for only a week or two at a time."

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