dimanche 11 octobre 2015

Richard Nixon: nouvel éclairage dans le dernier livre de Bob Woodward

En s'inspirant des archives de Alexander P. Butterfield dans son dernier livre, le célèbre Bob Woordward (un des deux journalistes qui contribuera à faire la lumière sur le scandale du Watergate) apporte un nouvel éclairage sur la présidence de Richard Nixon. Butterfield est celui qui avait dévoilé l'existence de bandes d'enregistrement à la Maison Blanche sous Nixon.

 "President Richard Nixon believed that years of aerial bombing in Southeast Asia to pressure North Vietnam achieved “zilch” even as he publicly declared it was effective and ordered more bombing while running for reelection in 1972, according to a handwritten note from Nixon disclosed in a new book by Bob Woodward.

Nixon’s note to Henry Kissinger, then his national security adviser, on Jan. 3, 1972, was written sideways across a top-secret memo updating the president on war developments. Nixon wrote: “K. We have had 10 years of total control of the air in Laos and V.Nam. The result = Zilch. There is something wrong with the strategy or the Air Force.”


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