mardi 13 octobre 2015

Hillary Clinton et le mal qui ronge sa campagne

Peu importe ce qu'elle fait, Hillary Clinton ne parvient pas à se sortir du bourbier autour de la gestion de ses courriels lors de son passage au secrétariat d'État. Elle considère avoir un programme substantiel et elle est frustrée par l'ensemble de la performance de son équipe.

 "From the start, the email controversy—and her campaign’s handling of it—has been an exercise in exasperation, according to people involved in the effort. The wiry and wily John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, thought right away that she needed to dump everything out in public as quickly as possible to avoid the deadly drip-drip-drip. “We need to throw the facts to the dogs, and let ’em chew on it,” Podesta told the candidate. But Clinton’s answer—and that of her lawyer David Kendall and her former State Department chief of staff Cheryl Mills—was a “no” when Podesta and other advisers asked for some details. Foggy Bottom needed to review the emails, they were told, and besides, half of them, the ones deemed “personal,” had already been deleted.

At least Clinton was talking regularly with Podesta. In the concentric circles of Clintonworld, many of the political team she had put in place to run her campaign were still considered outsiders, hired hands more loyal to President Barack Obama or to her husband, former President Bill Clinton, than to the candidate herself, and as soon as the New York Times dropped its bombshell server story, they saw themselves as stymied by a legal team parsimonious with disclosure and a candidate reluctant to express remorse. Their daily conference calls, which could include as many as 15 staffers and lawyers on the line, often descended to little more than collective venting."

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