mercredi 21 octobre 2015

Joe Biden ne sera pas candidat

Comme plusieurs observateurs je crois que la performance de Mme Clinton lors du premier débat a accéléré le processus décisionnel. Biden et Clinton auraient partagé le même bassin d'électeurs et de donateurs. Une candidature de Biden aurait signifié une perte de confiance dans celle d'Hillary.

 "The vice president’s possible late entry into the race evolved from something that many Washington insiders originally brushed off as a mechanism to help cope with the death of his son Beau Biden a former Delaware attorney general, into the plausible candidacy of an elder statesman. Some establishment figures began encouraging him to enter the race, to provide the party another option should Clinton’s free-fall continue.

In recent weeks, his inner circle began to believe that there was a political path toward mounting a credible campaign, but the remaining factor was always considered the most difficult: gauging whether he and his family were emotional ready for the rigors of another presidential bid.

Biden’s story — one of overcoming repeated family tragedy — had provided a potential campaign theme that distinguished him from his possible primary season rivals. But the latest tragedy — the death of Beau Biden, who was very close to his father and expected to pick up the political legacy — had also left the vice president and his family reeling."

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