mardi 13 octobre 2015

Playboy à l'ère d'internet: on cesse les photos de nus

La célèbre revue fondée par Hugh Hefner est dépassée par sa propre "révolution". Comment s'adapte-t-elle au fait que les amateurs du genre ne sont plus qu'à un seul "clic" de photos suggestives et/ou provocatrice. La direction a décidé de continuer à présenter des photographies de femmes dans des positions provocantes, mais elles demeureront vêtues.

 "For a generation of American men, reading Playboy was a cultural rite, an illicit thrill consumed by flashlight. Now every teenage boy has an Internet-connected phone instead. Pornographic magazines, even those as storied as Playboy, have lost their shock value, their commercial value and their cultural relevance.

Playboy’s circulation has dropped from 5.6 million in 1975 to about 800,000 now, according to the Alliance for Audited Media. Many of the magazines that followed it have disappeared. Though detailed figures are not kept for adult magazines, many of those that remain exist in severely diminished form, available mostly in specialist stores. Penthouse, perhaps the most famous Playboy competitor, responded to the threat from digital pornography by turning even more explicit. It never recovered."

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