mercredi 21 octobre 2015

Jim Webb quitte la course chez les démocrates

Une nouvelle qui ne risque pas d'ébranler le monde politique. Webb était à la traîne dans les intentions de vote et il peinait à obtenir une couverture médiatique nationale.

 "The announcement came after the campaign said on Monday evening that Mr. Webb was considering a bid as an independent, and at the news conference he did not rule that out. But independent campaigns are notoriously difficult because of financial and ballot access obstacles.

A military veteran and a former Republican, Mr. Webb kicked off his campaign in July with little fanfare. In recent weeks, speculation about his intentions arose because he was rarely spotted on the campaign trail.

Mr. Webb’s frustrations with the process were evident last week at the Democratic debate, when he spoke for only 15 minutes out of two hours and frequently complained about the lack of attention. After the debate, he suggested that it was “rigged.”

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