samedi 24 octobre 2015

Hillary Clinton et les audiences de Benghazi: un passage fructueux

Hillary Clinton termine une bonne semaine en répondant avec aplomb aux questions des républicains qui menaient les audiences sur l'attaque de Benghazi en Libye (2012).

 "When Clinton has stumbled, it usually has been over her own feet and at moments when the tide has seemed to be going her way. Those are the times when her impulses toward insularity and guardedness overwhelm her more appealing traits of discipline and toughness.

“She generally has been better with her back to the wall than when she is comfortably ahead,” said David Axelrod, who was Barack Obama’s chief political strategist for both of his presidential campaigns, including his hard-fought battle with Clinton in the 2008 Democratic primary race.

The challenge for Clinton now, Axelrod said, “is to keep that rigor and not settle back into the posture of cautious, calculating front-runner.”

Whether she can do that may begin to become clear here in Des Moines on Saturday night, at the Iowa Democratic Party’s Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, an event known as an early test of candidates’ messages and organization."

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