lundi 7 novembre 2016

Clinton vs Trump en Floride et en Caroline du Nord: le fil du rasoir

Je rappelle que pour l'emporter Trump doit s'imposer en Ohio, en Caroline du Nord et en Floride. Hillary Clinton détient de très faibles avances dans ces deux derniers états. Rien de bien confortable puisque ces résultats sont bien à l'intérieur de la marge d'erreur des sondages.

 "The former secretary of state leads the Manhattan billionaire, 46 percent to 45 percent, in Florida and 47 percent to 45 percent in North Carolina. Her advantage in both states is within the margin of error, signifying that both are more or less deadlocked with hours to go until voters head to the polls on Tuesday.

Libertarian Gary Johnson polled at 2 percent in Florida and 3 percent in North Carolina.

Both states are nearly essential for Trump if he is to secure a come-from-behind victory Tuesday. He begins with a relatively narrow path to the White House relative to Clinton and must come close to running the table in swing states in order to earn the 270 votes in the Electoral College necessary to defeat her."

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