mercredi 15 novembre 2017

Des Démocrates lancent la procédure de destitution contre Donald Trump

Le geste est symbolique puisque les Démocrates ne sont pas majoritaires à la Chambre des représentants, mais Steve Cohen,représentant démocrate du Tennessee, a malgré tout présenté sa résolution. C'est la troisième fois que ça se produit depuis le début de l'année. 

"Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee, introduced five articles of impeachment that include obstruction of justice for Trump's decision to fire former FBI Director James Comey, two emoluments clause violations, undermining the independence of the federal judiciary and undermining the freedom of the press.

 "The time has come to make clear to the American people and to this President that his train of injuries to our Constitution must be brought to an end through impeachment," he said.

Cohen, the ranking member on the House judiciary committee's Constitution subcommittee, acknowledged the limitations of his proposal. "I don't expect the House judiciary committee, which is operated like a branch of the administration, to take up hearings," he said. close dialog"

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