vendredi 17 novembre 2017

Fuir la Corée du Nord: la vie sous Kim Jong-Un

Quelles sont les conditions de vie en Corée du Nord depuis l'accession au pouvoir de Kim Jong-Un? Le Washington Post a interrogé vingt-cinq dissidents qui sont parvenus à fuir le régime.

 "Some parts of their stories cannot be independently verified because of the secretive nature of the regime, and their names have been withheld to protect their family members still in North Korea. They were introduced to The Post by groups that help North Korean escapees, including No Chain for North Korea, Woorion and Liberty in North Korea.

But in talking about their personal experiences, including torture and the culture of surveillance, they recounted the hardships of daily life under Kim Jong Un’s regime. They paint a picture of a once-communist state that has all but broken down, its state-directed economy at a standstill. Today, North Koreans are making their own way, earning money in an entrepreneurial and often illegal fashion. There are only a few problems in North Korea these days that money can’t solve.

As life inside North Korea is changing, so too are people’s reasons for escaping."

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