mardi 14 novembre 2017

Le Kentucky bientôt un état sans clinique d'avortement?

Si l'avortement est légal depuis 1973 aux États-Unis, plusieurs états favorisent des législations qui en réduisent l'accès. Il ne reste plus qu'une seule clinique dans tout l'état du Kentucky et son existence est actuellement menacée, ce qui ferait de cet état le seul à ne pas avoir de clinique d'avortement dans tout le pays. Le Kentucky pourrait même devenir un modèle à envisager pour certains autres états puisque le nombre de cliniques est à la baisse sur l'ensemble du territoire.

 "Kentucky could become the first with zero abortion clinics due to alleged shortcomings with the Louisville clinic's "transfer agreement." Transfer agreements are written agreements between an abortion clinic and a hospital, saying the hospital agrees to accept the clinic's patients in case of emergency.

In the past, the EMW Louisville clinic's transfer agreement was signed by the head of a hospital's obstetrics/gynecology department. But now, the state says that signature isn't good enough -- the clinic needs the signature of a hospital president or CEO. And so far, no local hospital president nor CEO has agreed to sign a transfer agreement.

"The standards are just outrageous," said Wells, who co-founded the EMW Louisville clinic.

Wells and other critics of the state law say it's unnecessary because federal law requires emergency rooms to accept anyone who shows up -- with or without a "transfer agreement." They believe the restriction is actually an attempt by Gov. Matt Bevin's administration to eliminate abortion services in Kentucky."

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