mercredi 29 novembre 2017

Trump de plus en plus dérangé? Un dossier de plus en plus étoffé

Pourquoi s'intéresser à ce nouvel article qui remet en question l'équilibre mental du président des États-Unis? Parce que la liste de ses déclarations intempestives et farfelues s'allonge continuellement et que la situation contribue à nourrir les rumeurs autour d'une éventuelle destitution ou d'un recours au 25e amendement pour lui retirer la présidence.

 "To date, Trump has made over 1,600 false or misleading claims as president. Routinely, the lies are demonstrably false, often laughably so. But this actually serves his ends. It is impossible to disentangle this from his constant effort to undermine the news media, seen again in today’s NBC tweet. In many cases the attacks on the media are outlandishly ridiculous, dating back to the tone-setting assertion that the media deliberately diminished his inaugural crowd sizes, even though the evidence was decisive to the contrary. Here again, the absurdity is the whole point: In both the volume and outsize defiance of his lies, Trump is asserting the power to declare the irrelevance of verifiable, contradictory facts, and with them, the legitimate institutional role of the free press, which at its best brings us within striking distance of the truth."

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