jeudi 16 novembre 2017

Le Sénateur démocrate Al Franken accusé d'inconduite sexuelle

Franken, un ancien humoriste, prétend avoir voulu faire une blague qui a mal tourné. La victime, la journaliste Leeann Tweeden, a raconté son histoire à une radio de Los Angeles. Le Sénateur du Minnesota n'a pas nié les faits et il a ensuite présenté ses excuses.

 "According to Tweeden, Franken crafted a performance skit during the trip to make the anchor kiss him against her will. “I felt disgusted and violated,” she said of the incident. “I tried to let it go, but I was angry.”

Tweeden wrote that after she returned from the overseas trip she discovered a picture of the senator groping her as she slept.

 Tweeden’s allegations were published Thursday on the radio station’s website accompanied by a picture depicting Franken grabbing the anchor’s breast while she slept aboard a C-17 cargo plane as they departed from Afghanistan.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell immediately called for an Ethics Committee investigation."

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