mercredi 22 novembre 2017

Université de Rochester et prédateur sexuel: 400 professeurs invitent au boycot de leur institution

Une situation inusitée à l'Université de Rochester dans l'état de New York. Des professeurs de ce centre de recherche dénoncent le comportement de leur collègue Florian Jaeger. Malgré de nombreuses allégations et une enquête, les dirigeants de l'université ont malgré tout offert une promotion au chercheur. Considérant qu'il est de leur devoir de protéger leurs étudiants et leurs collègues, les professent demandent aux étudiants de boycotter l'institution pour éviter le comportement de prédateur sexuel de Florian Jaeger.

 "Educators also advise students to steer clear of certain institutions.

“There's nothing about this letter that isn't already ongoing all the time,” Panneton said.%% But is unprecedented for these discussions to occur openly. This the first time academics have issued this sort of public statement, said Heidi Lockwood, a Southern Connecticut State University professor of philosophy and co-author of the letter of concern.

In September, Mother Jones broke the news of the EEOC complaint. One of the complainants, cognitive scientist Celeste Kidd, alleged that Jaeger sent her sexually explicit messages. When she was a graduate student, Jaeger pressured her into renting the spare room in his apartment. There, he mocked her body and her diet, she said.

The university had investigated claims against the scientist twice in the past two years. Yet while doing so, it promoted Jaeger. Officials concluded that Jaeger had sexual relationships with a graduate student and a prospective student. They also determined that Jaeger was not in violation of university harassment policies. Richard Aslin, a former Rochester psychologist and one of the eight who filed the complaint, stood up in a faculty meeting and resigned in protest."

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