mardi 7 novembre 2017

"Yes, President Trump, it’s a guns situation" (position éditoriale du Washington Post)

En réaction à la tuerie au Texas le président Trump a affirmé que cette tragédie était attribuable à un esprit malade, non à la gestion des armes à feu aux États-Unis. Ce matin il ajoutait que si les lois avaient été plus sévères, des centaines d'autres personnes seraient décédées. Voici la position éditoriale du Washington Post sur la question.

 Un extrait:

 "No doubt the angry young man who stormed the church in a ballistic vest was, as the president said, “deranged” with “a lot of problems.” But imagine what would have happened if he had been deranged — and armed with only a knife? What if, at least, he had had to stop and reload?

There is no way to prevent all shootings, but steps can be taken to reduce the carnage, as has been proved by sensible and effective gun control in other countries that also must contend with issues of mental health. After every high-profile mass shooting — at a movie theater in Colorado, a college campus in Virginia, a parking lot in Arizona, an elementary school in Connecticut — Congress is beseeched to serve the American public rather than the National Rifle Association. Lawmakers are asked not to prohibit guns but to enact common-sense safeguards: muscular background checks, keeping guns away from domestic abusers, banning weapons designed for battlefields."

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