mardi 21 novembre 2017

Neutralité d'internet: Ajit Pai veut également empêcher les états de légiférer

Ajit Pai

La puissante FCC (Federal Communications Commission ou Commission fédérale des communications) veut laisser le champ libre aux fournisseurs d'internet en supprimant des règles de l'administration Obama. Sous le prétexte de ne pas imposer une gestion de l'état dans ce secteur, le président de la FCC Ajit Pai risque bien de permettre la création d'un internet à deux vitesses décrié par de nombreux spécialistes. Les interventions de Pai viseraient également à limiter la possibilité pour les états américains de légiférer sur la question.

" Internet service providers, many of whom operate across state lines, also want to avoid a series of disparate rules from states. They want to avoid a repeat of what happened this year on broadband privacy, when nearly two-dozen states proposed legislation to replace an Obama-FCC regulation that Congress revoked.

But proponents of the current rules question whether the FCC has the authority to block states from issuing their own rules, especially when the agency is paring back its oversight over internet providers in the order.

"I certainly can think of nothing that could be more calculated to get states that are already pissed off to motivate themselves to challenge this decision," said Harold Feld, a senior vice president at Public Knowledge, a public interest group that supports the current regulations. "Did you see what happened with privacy?" Pai's "Restoring Internet Freedom" order says that state and local regulations attempting to regulate broadband in ways that run counter to the federal rules would be preempted.

 In practice, if a state attempts to impose its own net neutrality law and a company objects to the FCC, the agency could issue a ruling that could be used in a court battle, a senior agency official explained in a call with reporters Tuesday. The official spoke anonymously to discuss the change before it's released.

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